K. Hall (Michigan)

( MI, United States)

Im looking forward to being a trucker soon... I applied when I was twenty years of age and was denied because of six months until my birthday. But I'm twenty-one now and I'm excited about the advantages becoming a trucker but at the same time nervous about the disadvantages.

I'll never know what it's like until I find out and I will be finding out. Physical work and driving interest me. I currently work in fast food and I hate to death... it's money but it's degrading... seeing a black man twenty-one working in that industry, I'm supposed to eating.

So this would be the perfect opportunity for me to make something out of myself and make money while I do it.

My motivations I have are my daughter who will be starting school this Fall of 2010, my father who also is a trucker, and most of all myself. I went to college and passed my classes but figured that it wasn't for me at the time and now.

I'm a working man who enjoys strenuous work, plus most college kids living poverty and i seen enough of that growing up. My major goal in life is to open a breakfast restaurant and and then an up scale restaurant after that, that's all I see myself doing.

With this CDL licensing i will soon be obtaining, I can save and build off that years to come.
Big ups for the new men! The new men that are overcoming hardship to find a pathway to PEACE... Lets keep America moving!

Crazy truck driver thanks for the website, I feel more at ease seeing this and sharing my story.PEACE :)


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Aug 22, 2010
Trucking is what you make of it.
by: Shepherd

Mr. Hall,
Congratulations on finding your own bootstraps. Trucking like all walks of life refflects the choices which you make.
I reccomend that you do what you have to do to get your CDL. Work to come out near or at the top of your class so that you will have the best choices available to you of the top companies who have the best reputations in treating their drivers well. Find within one of those companies a driver to learn from who has the reputation for on time loads, top of the fuel mileage ranks, and knows the ropes in keeping their equipment in top shape. Team with them if you can. Do so as long as you can. Learn from them everything they are willing to share. When you have a minimum of a year under your belt, two is better, then make some choices which reflect the quallity of the best you have learned from school and a good mentor. That first two years with a clean slate, working steadilly with a good driver will pay off a life long string of dividends. A good first two years will insure you have the best choices available to you in making decisions as to whether you wish to go solo, work as a company driver, or try your hand as a Owner operator in one of the better Owner Operator lease programs out there. Here is a link for you, which, if you learn every thing it offers in this little PDF file you will become one of truckings top ten percenters. http://www.kenworth.com.au/kenworth/pdf/Cummins_Fuel_Economy_Guide.pdf
There is a very small company just south of you which has one of the top trainers in the industry and if you could be so fortunate, and tenacious as to go to work and be trained by them, would put you in truckings top 1 percent of drivers. They haul only hot loads demanding ontime and consistency from their drivers. Just post to the Shepherd when you are ready and I will give you contact information.

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