katherine (tough gal)

by katherine
(caldwell idaho)

Hi,well where to start I am a truckers wife,also a truckers daughter ,niece and so on. kinda runs the family. My father was a trucker for many years , my real grandfather hauled cattle also drove for a trucking company.so trucking has been in my family forever.

I always told myself i would not marry someone who would be gone all the time. Well what did i do that's right we have our own truck ,and i really hate it anymore. we have four children,ages-21,19,18 years old then our littlest surprise she is almost a year old will be here shortly.

we show cattle,rodeo and show rabbits also,we are a family that is real active but it is real hard when he is gone and misses everything.the hardest part for me is the sleeping alone and the worries. he has been over the road it seems forever,we have been married for 22 years,he has been in the military and driving truck one type or another for 22years.including tanks in the military. so i definitely married someone that was gone a lot.

I have asked my husband to get out of trucking,its to the point the expenses override what he makes, its just not worth it anymore. we argue this all the time because of there not being a lot of jobs out there and everyone wants truck drivers.

i feel more like I'm a single parent than anything. my day begins real early getting one kid off to school, feeding horses and cattle getting breakfast for the littlest one then house work,and if its a weekend off to a rodeo-my son bullrides and i use to barrel race.

Then in the summer and fall its off to cattle shows and rabbit shows also. those run from three days to two weeks long. so we stay overly busy,which helps some with the staying busy is much better than just sitting .well that is it for now
katherine (tough gal)

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Oct 09, 2011
yes you are
by: Lavenia

Hello Katherine

I really don't know how you do it all, all my kisds are grown but my daughter lives with me and my grandson. I husband and i have been together for almost 5yrs, Married only 10 months, yes i have to say its hard being a truckers wife. I sometimes don't deal with it in the right way in the way i talk to my husband i guess i try to make him feel bad and yes i do and i don't mean to i just miss him so much and i just want to have a good marriage and she him more than a few days amonth.. I'm 50 and somtimes feel as i'm acting 16 stupid yes, I have been out with him and love it but now i watch my grandson for my daughter and i don't want to hurt her feelingand tell her i can't but i would love to be able to go with him more since i don't work but i do for my husband i find his loads and that helps some just not the same as us being together. Anyway i just want to say to you,,You are doing a good job with all those kids and i do hope to hear from you again... Take care.


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