Keep, Keepin on

by Nick V
(San Antonio, Tx)

Whats up guys, well I just checked in to my hotel in Oklahoma City. Ended up taking a bus from San Antonio to little rock and there i did a refresher course at C1 Truck Driving School.

Good school, lots to learn, waaaay more than Roadmasters taught me. Pretty glad I was just there for a refresher and not have to take any tests. Their pre trip is a doozy. Did some paperwork, took drug tests and im sure you know the rest.

Started driving Wednesday and man was it a eye opener. Takin corners like a 4 wheeler but I got my ass chewed a couple times and got back into the swing of things. By Friday they were throwin the heat my way and I overcame all their obstacles they tried. Really happy to get behind the wheel again.

Left yesterday (Saturday) and took the greyhound to Oklahoma city. I have a friend here so he picked me up and I got to let my hair down for a night but its back to business now. Start orientation for CRST at 7 in the morning and couldnt be more excited.

Finally did it! Hope things go good from here out. I am roomed with a former driver that's switching jobs so he let me in on whats probably gonna go down within these next couple days. Im ready for whatever they got. Well just wanted to update yall on whats up.

I will come back on sometime this week and go over everything at C1 for anyone who is going or thinking about going.

Thanks for everything again guys, couldn't have done it without you.

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Dec 22, 2009
Nick V. forges ahead.
by: Jimmy

Hey, good to hear things are happening for you. Have a good Xmas and keep us posted. Jimmy

Dec 20, 2009
Keep on Trucking
by: Hervy

Hey Nick,

Thanks for the update man, good to here your about to make it happen. Congratulations.

Ha, I guess you got lucky on those 4 wheeler turns you made. I didn't hear any metal or light poles snapping!

Look forward to hearing the next episode, hope it's all smooth sailing for ya.


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