Keeping My Hope Strong

(union city tn )



i have tried so hard for the last few months to get into a wants to take a chance on me cause i am a felon....i feel like a pit bull dog left behind to be put down cause of what breed i am...people look at felons like we are a bad breed...

if i went to the kennel to look for my next would be a pit bull.....they will work for you....and die for you....anyway life is hard enough without having. to go through the rest of your days here on this planet being judged

.....thanks again

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Oct 28, 2013
by: Anonymous

That was good info Melissa!! :)

Oct 27, 2013
Try this NEW
by: Melisa

Hi Robert,

My fiancé was in a similar situation. His 15 year old felony was preventing him from decent jobs, even if he disclosed it. He actually went to a workshop about truck driving through job and family services and got a grant through WIA(workforce investment act). there were hoops he had to jump through yes, but they did pay for him to go through trucking school. We only had to pay out of pocket for his temporary and his actual CDL, but the school even reimbursed us for that. I would suggest you try your local JFS and see what kind of job skills training they offer. GOOD LUCK!

Oct 26, 2013
by: Robert bell

Man I just ask for some advice on were to go....and I thank all the positive feedback I really helped....I am not a quiter...nor will I give family is close to being on the streets and I am reaching out to get advice on what to do......thanks everyone

Oct 26, 2013
Retort to "Excuse me..." NEW
by: Anonymous

What generated all this hatred and anger?
1- I never stated truckers don't use their brains.
2- I never stated I know the full spectrum of OTR trucking.
3- Dealing with bad weather is not relevant. All people who drive in inclement weather have to deal with it, whether commuter or trucker.
4- Everyone deals with; taxes, fuel prices and mpg on a daily basis.
5- As for figuring your profit margin, that is no different than figuring out what your monthly household budget is.

I never said anything derogatory about truckers. An Owner Operator has to figure on making a profit and it is running your own business. I merely stated I was in a profession where I had to use a different set of skills that most other occupations never need to know and use.

My writing to Robert was just to give him support by showing that even a man with 20 years of Engineering experience and years of expensive college can leave you "unemployable", or struggling to find a job.

Oct 26, 2013
there are other jobs NEW
by: Anonymous

I finally tried and played my last card in the retail business...

You see I am a career criminal who's record stems back decades to 1972 and what career criminal means is I am a 3 time loser..which also means I have had 3 state numbers and one federal number. I have been off parole for 6 years now and I haven't committed a felony in 10 years! I went online to apply for jobs and lo and behold I was hired at 3 different jobs!! Although the two jobs that selected me first I took and I had to turn down the 3rd!

Can you imagine a person like me actually had to turn away a job...never in my wildest dreams would I have ever felt I would ever be able to say I could.

Well I am happy to have both jobs (both part-time but equals to full time pay) And I can actually say I have the most fun juggling both!! Not to many people can ever say that...but I can and you know why??? Because I am grateful to have a job to begin with!!

With that said all I can say to give up on self is to give up on life to give up on life is to just wait around to this is what you are suppose to do? I think not...get a job no matter what it is and if you are dreaming for a high paying job in the beginning you are only fooling yourself....

Get to it you are not beneath a low paying job there are a lot of people who are being payed low wages and they have never been to prison are they to be seen as underneath others??? Don't insult them this way...put on your big boy pants and do what you have to do to earn some type of wage and win the battle dont go out defeated!! That is not being a man at all and that is why us ex-cons get a bad rap!!

Because of my gratefulness I have learned to humble myself and because I humble myself, others see me differently today, treat me fairly, and do not throw my past in my face!!

Just saying and God Luck to you!
Coming from an ex-con!

Oct 26, 2013
Excuse me, Truckers DO use their brains. NEW
by: Anonymous

To the reply comment. It really shows that you don't know trucking. Anyone who says they don't use their brain is so very wrong. Truck Drivers do so much more than just steering the truck down the road. They have to constantly find and book their loads, negotiate the pay for that load, get it loaded then get it to the destination on time. They have to deal with fuel tax, Heavy highway use tax, price of fuel and figure the miles per gallon the truck gets while loaded and empty to see if they are making a profit on that load. They deal with all kinds of weather every day from sleet and ice storms, tornados, blizzards, heavy rain, fog so thick you can't see the front of the truck. You name it they have done it. In short, they are running a business and buddy, trust me, they do use their brain.

Oct 26, 2013
Felon NEW
by: Anonymous

For the guy who has a felon, go to your local Goodwill,any trucking school will accept you, and most companies will as well.. It just depends on how many years ago it was since you were charged with a felon, and what type of felony it was....Good Luck...

Oct 26, 2013
I Can Identify With Your Problem NEW
by: Anonymous

I am at the opposite end of your spectrum but ironically we are still in the same boat.

I know what your saying and it is true for myself also. I am in my 40's, possess a AAS, BS, MS and a Minor in Occupational Safety. This adds up to seven years of college, approximately a little over $85,000 in tuition and still owe almost $10K. I was hit while on a motorcycle while going to work. The man was at fault but he had the money to "wait me out." By this, I mean my wife and I settled for $1,500.00 each. Yes, only $3,000 total. We would have had to loose our house in foreclosure and move into a welfare apartment. I chose to try and keep the house using SSD benefits and thank God, I won a Workman's Compensation claim due to a technicality. I am now considered disabled, even though visually nobody would know. After operations and eight years of rehab, I am able to work again and nobody will hire me. I am now considered "out of date" and too old. I have tried for five years and only received, temporary contract, under employment as a drafter instead of an mechanical engineer.

Now my funds are dwindling and as our children have reached 18, even less SSD money is coming in. I am now looking at becoming a trucker, but everyone knows you have to go OTR for several years before you could be hired for a local driving position. The other problem is that I have spent my entire life in a working environment where I talk to many people, meetings, travel to meet vendors and clients. Trucking is the opposite; long hours and even days alone, repetitious and not a lot of brain-work, I am use to using my mind to solve problems or create products while communicating with many people.
Just wanted to let you know your not alone for "not being hirable." I am doing what you are, keep hoping, praying and applying everywhere I can. Hopefully we both will get a break, hopefully soon!

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