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Kentucky Trucking

Get your Kentucky CDL if you have a good record and you could get a Kentucky trucking job.

Kentucky is short of drivers to haul it's manufacturing, agricultural and energy fuel products. Ky is 5th nationally in goat production, 8th in cattle production and 14th in the production of corn. You already know about it's affiliation with horses.

The calcium rich soil which is good for blue grass which is good for horses to eat make Ky a top choice for horse breeding. There's no telling what you can end up hauling if you find local Ky trucking job.

I hauled a lot of cardboard, tractors and furniture to Kentucky.  Most of my deliveries seemed to be between Louisville and Lexington.

You have to be careful on I-75 in the winter time especially going south. 

Kentucky Trucking
Types of Trucking Jobs
Local Truck Driving Schools
Advantages and Disadvantages of Trucking

Commercial Driver Local Resources

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