Labeled as a sex offender from 1995, Trying to find work.

I was charge with lewd act on a person that happen to me in 1995 was not convicted. i was scared so i took the plea. now it has change my life 4 ever.

Trying to find a job. Dont know where to look for someone who will take a chance on a sex offender. It is hard for me and my kids when i can't find a job that is in the state of Florida.

If you know someone that can help email me @

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Nov 01, 2012
so what you are saying NEW
by: Anonymous

is you raped your wife, and this makes your offense okay????? if you knew how to read you would have read that "I indicated rape" into that catagory. just quit trying to justify a behavior that is not normal!!! what ever the sex offense is, there is no justifying it!!! I am not judgeing you I have the Judge in your case to thank for that!!!

Nov 01, 2012
so what you are saying NEW
by: Anonymous

is you raped your wife, and this makes your offense okay????? if you knew how to read you would have read that "I indicated rape" into that catagory. just quit trying to justify a behavior that is not normal!!! what ever the sex offense is, there is no justifying it!!! I am not judgeing you I have the Judge in your case to thank for that!!!

Nov 01, 2012
anonymous NEW
by: Anonymous

What do u call. Someone who 18 and 17 is sir or madam u really don't know do u and we had kids together and married wow. What u really don't know and yes the Lord. Is the head of my life I think u really needs to find a life and stop. Judge in me love u all as well be blessed that how I fell bout u L

Nov 01, 2012
you still dont know NEW
by: Anonymous

sounds like you must continue to defend yourself, means only one thing you are still guilty. your natural kids have nothing to do with the person you committed the crime against, as it wasnt your own who was molested. molester's not always molest there own, to personal, but they will molest anyone elses child or underage or even rape. I refrain from giving my identity, well because.... are you that stupid to figure that one out? who in thier right mind would give thier name to a sex offender!!

How do I know that your not just on this site to try and find others of your kind, and thats why you gave out your e-mail??? just plain stupid you are. another good suggestion...quit using God as a cloak to commit your bad deeds.........

Nov 01, 2012
anonymous NEW
by: Anonymous

Didn't do jail or prison time my kids didn't get taking I raise all three of my kids and grand so if the law was right and i was guilty that wouldn't have been possible and who ever you are that hides behind words so u don't know the law so u don't need go reply back to because u just don't know the law as u claim thanks for the chat!!!!!!!! Love ya and be blessed

Oct 31, 2012
you dont know NEW
by: Anonymous

state attorneys are good attorneys, see they went to school......the problem here is that you did not and guess what else???? claiming you didn't know about the law doesn't get it in this country.....
ignorance of the law is no excuse, here.....there are tons of law libraries here, and in prison, you should have never taken a deal and fought for your rights.....especially if you did not commit this act like you say you didnt.....

oh yeah, you are right I can not judge anyone, that is God's you too will be judged by God....

Oct 31, 2012
back to anonymous NEW
by: Anonymous

when you dont know the law anyone can fall short if had a lawyer not one by the state it would have been different not someone that is pay to take a plea so you are wrong mrs or sir thank u for ur comment and be blessed only God can judge me not you. And not calling myself Anonymous

Oct 31, 2012
somehow NEW
by: Anonymous

I dont believe you.....only guilty people plea bargain....

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