Lack of recent trucking experience

by Frank

How is the best way to get back in a truck either company driver or owner-operator if my experience is from 15 years ago.

Most companies want recent experience. I have a current cdl class-A. Are there any requirements for an owner-operator other than insurance and proper permits?

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Jul 18, 2008
How to get trucking experience
by: The Crazy Truck

Hello Frank,

Man you may have to go to one of the large companies and ride with their trainer like a new driver. Sadly you may end up with less pay than you deserve.

You may also be able to find a smaller local company who's hiring personnel doesn't have to follow strict blanket hiring guidelines. (That's one of the benefits of many mid-size companies where you are more than a truck or employee number).

As far as owner operator, there are many companies that you will be able to jump into their lease program but I wouldn't be so quick to do it during these times. Make sure you talk to some drivers that are already leased to that company to see how they are doing.

To join most lease programs they will get your insurance and permits, taxes, and tags, etc taken care of and take it out of your checks.

Hope this helped, sorry it took so long to realize I hadn't responded.

Let me know if I can be of any more help.

The Crazy Trucker
(So they say)

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