ladies you have to be so strong wich alot of you are

by Graham
(New hampshire)

Ladies I'm an old Truck driver from way yes way back been married three times now . why nothing more than lonelyness. yes my first two wives just couldnt coop with the lonelyness when i was away from home weeks on end, both of them are still in my mind as I now live with the third wife.

We all still talk and would do what ever to help each other out.

all three of us couples keep in touch, this does not seem possible but its true. all my kids love me and my new wife of 27 years. so ladies its not easy being a Truckers wife god bless ya'll, just stand behind your man when times get tough.

Guys all I can say is to be your self and love your wife from the bottom of your heart . let them know every minute you can your thinking of them and let them know you love them deep.

I had a great Truckers life Darn Hard work an long hours with many miles under my belt. the first two great ladies i had and loved very much just couldn't handle it all but I love them to this day both of them are the mother of three of my children.

My new wife of 27 years now understands what I'm going though an stands behind me . I get to visit and see all my children any time I want . this mean s a lot to me.

Sign ye ole Tree climber CB handle.

Never knew what a cell phone was only pay phones.

now I try to make a long lasting reflection

with my new job as owner of mikesmeangreen metal polish

ladies my wife will chat with you anytime you wish to talk may the good lord take a liken to ya for what you go threw ladies.

Comments for ladies you have to be so strong wich alot of you are

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May 25, 2012
ye ole Truck driver NEW
by: Anonymous

hey helonwheels thanks :

What you said is true if you don't like what your doing find something else .

well I have done that now seeing my age is to old for the new modern computer systems. This old dog is to old for new modern equipment.

Love hearing from any of you great ladies or guys that give their all in doing a tough job to keep things rolling in this country.

ALL of you great ladies that can cope with this kind of life should get a metal for being a great understanding wife and mom. I'll vote for that!

Most people have no idear what truckers wives have to put up with when hubby is out on the road for weeks at a time.

My third wife knows she went with me many times all so, she had no idea how much there is to it. back in my time we had good dinners to eat at now its mostly all fast food junk if i can say junk?.

Ladies all i can say to most of you that are willing, Stand by your man, help him understand that just because he's gone he is still on your mind and in your hearts.

thanks again helonwheels. great to hear from you.
I cant leave trucking alone so I love what I do now mikesmeangreen/ metal polish mostly for the trucker brothers, We make a long lasting REFLECTION. a shiny truck means a good driver.


get-her done.

May 25, 2012
Thank you Treeclimber!! NEW
by: Anonymous

Good to hear some positive feedback once in awhile!
Get so tired of the negativity.

If they don't like their life they should get out! I know I would if I didn't like mine!

So I stay with my trucker husband and I smile even when I don't feel like it, he works hard and how I know is that I go out every so often with him on the road just to remind me of how hard it is for him to be out there too.

It's a job for God's sake!

Helonwheels :)

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