Lady Driver Of One Year - my experience has been...

by Barb
(Sioux City, Ia USA)

I have seen all types of discrimination on my travels, mostly from men drivers who forget they were new once too. From climbing a mountain, where it's insulting to be passed by a female driver, to fueling (no the guy did not allow me enough room to get past him).

It's funny in a way. And if I didn't laugh, I'd probably flip the bird but that's not like me. Oh yes, i can verbally defend myself but I am a Christian so pray a lot.

Am looking for other female truck drivers willing to share their experience, strength and hope on American highways. You can reach me at God be with you in your travels!

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Jan 27, 2016
Lady Driver of One Year
by: Barb

Thank you for your comments. By joining life as a trucker, my question for joining this site was what has my experience been as a female driver.

Dantheman, you are spot-on! I appreciate your positive comments! There are a lot of good people out there and more to meet! God bless!

Jan 26, 2016
Woman or man. Yes it gets better
by: Dantheman

Keep praying, keep watching and learning, it's difficult I know but ignore the ignorance that's out on the road. It's sad how people are at times. Enjoy the good people that are out there and willing to help.

Enjoy the freedom, the good feeling of getting that load delivered on time and safely. Find peace in your faith and take in this beautiful country.

Jan 25, 2016
your delusional
by: Anonymous

Truckers do those same things to everyone including males. Bottom line here is unfortunately other truckers often only think about themselves and could care less about other drivers.

I often ask myself why the hell am i so considerate of other drivers, when most are not considerate at all.

from a male driver

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