lady trucker owner op patricia

by patricia n
(romance, ar)

I have been driving for 31 years. last two and a half as an owner. I fine most women bring the harsment on them selves. I wear short shorts and high hills shoes and pull a flat bed by myself and am at retirement age.

as a whole the men drivers young and old have treated me with nothing but respect. yes I have had those few idoits. my advice to the women is to remember you are out there to make a living the same as most men. keep your head up and be proud of yourself and people will see that and respect you.

Remember if another driver offers you help do not turn it down. yes some will do it hoping they can get in your bed. but most of them will respect you when you are honest with them and up front with them. do not be afraid cause people can read that and will feed off of it.

The most important thing to remember is that GOD made you and has always took care of you and if you do not try to do his job he will continue to take care of you.

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Mar 24, 2015
by: Anonymous

If you dress all the time in short shorts & high heels & pull into a truck stop, you will most likely be mistaken for a lot lizard & act your age, you say you are near retirement age, you are dressing like a teenager, not some woman near retirement age!!!!

Mar 19, 2015
Let me see
by: Jimmy

Short shorts and high hills shoes ? ? ? You mean high heals, right ? I doubt you dress like that, especially doing flatbed work. But I did used to work with a guy who wore flip flops doing flatbed work. I'll be in Ar. in May and may look you up ! Jimmy

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