Women in Trucking Page 1
Ladies Giving Insight About Life As A Trucker
There are plenty of ladies trucking these days, they bring better attitudes and sometimes driving skills to the industry, so without wasting another keystroke here they are...
Maya Sieber Lady Trucker and Model from NY on Sharing the Road
I am a 26 year old female truck driver. Two years ago I made my dream of driving an 18 wheeler a reality. I can remember as early as the age of 5 that one day I will be sitting behind that wheel rolling down the highway. Any occupation you name it, I’ve done it. I’ve worked as a sales associate in a supermarket, I was a mechanic, car saleswoman, interior decorator, cashier, chef’s assistant, bartender, swimsuit model and receptionist at a law firm. I stand 5’4” at 110 lbs and every day I face the dangers and challenges out on the road because of non-educated drivers on sharing the road with a tractor trailer. Some people are naive, some people don't care, and some simply just don't know. Some think the bigger the truck the faster it stops. Yep, someone actually thought that.

More From Maya Sieber about sharing the road...
Women in Trucking
Ladies, tell us how life is for your on the road. Do you feel you are treated differently? If so, in what ways. Is it better or worst than men.
Do you think you have more or less benefits than the male drivers.
Do the guys get on your nerves on the CB radio?
Let us in your world! What's it like to be a women living a trucker's life.
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hello from Amanda. Not rated yet Hello there. I am Amanda .I live in the northwest and have been driving for 30 years now.
Starting driving a small truck and on to semi then truck and …
App for female truckers to stay connected Not rated yet I would like to introduce a free app that I genuinely feel would help female truckers in terms of building up a stronger, more close knit community while …
UK Lady trucker Not rated yet Hi all, just found this site. recently started a blog you might like. wwww.littlemisstrucker.weebly.com Click here to write your own.
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