Last Payment On The Truck!

by Linda Boggs
(United States)

I am so excited for my husband. This month he makes the last payment on his rig and is completely the owner!!!!

He has been working at this for 5 years and now the dream is here. When I look back over the last 5 years I see how hard he has worked at his job; he also has worked hard at helping me transition to him being gone so much.

Thrilled he will be home a bit more now! I am so very proud of him!!

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Dec 16, 2017
oh well NEW
by: Linda Boggs

truck and trailer been paid or.....I was so proud o he wants a divorce.....and I don't even know is truly a bitch!!

Dec 28, 2013
Congratulations! NEW
by: Anonymous

That was one of my husband's happiest accomplishments, too!
Our son, also and OO, is making payments and is looking forward to that day too!

Nov 10, 2013
Shackles Be Gone NEW
by: Hervy

Thanks for sharing Linda. I know that is a great felling for both of you!

Now you guys can put the same amount as the truck payment away in an account for investment since you are already accustom to taking care of bills and living expenses on the amount earned minus the truck payment.

You won't even miss it.

Or if there is are other bills, consider paying off the bills starting with the one with highest interest rate. Doing that might be a greater return in savings than putting that money away in an account or long term investment might bring.

Also, you might consider setting up self insurance for heal

Of course, I am not a financial advisor and that is general advice.

Where many will mess up at going forward is taking that extra money and spending it or even get back in debt by a huge amount buying other stuff figuring on the extra money available will pay the bill.

You guys are about to release some shackles, don't put them back on.

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