Laurie A.K.A. Sweetcheeks

by laura mullins
(ingalls, in )

Hello everyone. It is so nice to finally find a site where truckers wives can receive support. I am happily married to a wonderful man, and we have 2 children together.

We have been together for a total of 18 years which seems like a life time. He has been in trucking for a year and half, and I have worked in the trucking industry for 7 years.

I am currently disabled and cannot work, so I stay at home. I do go to school full time online, so that I can accomplish my one personal goal in life, and that is to have a degree.

My 2 children are special needs children, and I focus a lot on them. It has been very stressful being basically a single parent and going through the stresses everyday.

I enjoy when my husband calls home and talks to me, but I love it more when I see him face to face.

I have always supported my husband on any decision that he has made, and when he decided to become a truck driver I supported him in that too. His father was a truck driver, and he was following in his footsteps after his dad passed away.

When he first got out on the road, I did have to help him a little bit with directions and how to handle things as they came his way. When I got my student loans in, I went and bought him almost all the things that they really need to survive out there.

We have cut our spending average down to very minimal, by me buying food and stocking it up in his tractor. He does get out of the truck and go into Denny's every now and then, but for the most part he eats out of his truck.

I am here to provide support too and or suggestions, and I look forward to meeting all of you.

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Sep 29, 2012
special needs kids have special moms :) NEW
by: ScorpGRRL

I just wanna say I know what its like having the hubby gone OTR and having to care for a special needs is rough! we are just recently finding out about our child's issues and having to deal with alot of it alone is so hard. good to know, I'm not the only one out there ((((huggggsss)))

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