Learned from the past and ready to grow forward

by Michael Moore
(IN, United States)

Digging out of a hole

Digging out of a hole

I am a convicted felon, as a teenager i made a lot of stupid decisions by being peer pressured into being something I’m not.

And by making those choices i ended up in some pretty bad situations and now I find myself stuck in a hole trying to dig myself out with only my hands because the peers.

No one I met in life has had enough decency to pass me the shovel so i can bury the past and see forward the future.

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Jan 11, 2023
Hang in there and keep on trying
by: The Crazy Trucker

I don't know what the charge is or how old it is.

There should be plenty of trucking companies who will overlook something from teenage years.

Especially if you gotten your diploma or GED and have been doing something productive with your life since then.

If you find you can't get trucking job it would mean that your past is pretty interesting.

Therefor, get with your local speaking company and look into public speaking to the youth.

Start you a YouTube channel as well about the lessons you've learn and try to steer them away from being led by peer pressure.

Let that endeavor grow as you pursue trucking or some other source of income.

Trucking Jobs for Felons

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