Leaving Him For Good

by Anonymous

I have to laugh about the article to truckers that if you have a good supportive wife to show her that you have a supportive wife.

Well I work in a doctor's office & I should have listened to the office manager who kept telling me to watch & observe & that I will find out on my own that these guys are scum!

The office manager has told me that her sister is in a lawsuit against a trucking company & 2 truckers that she is suing the pants off of them & the reason for that is is she was traveling on a highway & she got rear ended by an 18-wheeler because the driver was distracted by his team driver having sex with a lot lizard that was picked up in another state & both men were married.

Whenever my husband was home, I always cooked for him, baked for him & made sure all his needs were met even when I was tired & never complained but lately I noticed my husband has been starting fights with me on the phone, he calls me at the doctor's office when my phone is off when I am working & complains to me when I do answer the call complaints about his team driver.

I was taking the blood pressure on some new patient & she asked me what does my husband do & when I told her she replied I feel sorry for all women that are with them whether single or married.

I asked her why & she went on & on & she too told me she does not have a good opinion on these people. Well I told the office manager who is also my friend about how my husband is acting lately & she said I TOLD YOU SO & DON'T EVER SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU!

Now I know there are wives out there that will say oh not my husband, he is not cheating on me! Well maybe you women are religious church going folks that have the Bible on the night stand, in your handbag, & bring it out & have it at your side like the woman that I took her blood pressure.

She claimed she was religious but told me all truckers are sinners! And every time my husband calls me, he now is using the F bomb more freely, that now when he calls the doctor's # he is told by the girls who answer, let me direct your call to the office manager & then she gives my husband a piece of her mind.

So maybe my husband lost his brains & doesn't see how supportive I am but now it is time for me to take a stand & not be supportive. Everyone has a breaking point.

He also can't do anything on his own such as he has a car payment in his name & wanted me to call the bank for him & the bank told me it is in his name, he needs to call us, so when I told him that when he gets time he needs to call the bank he then snaps my head off & says oh maybe I should quit this job & go work at McDonald's or Burger King & I snapped back & told him just because you are unhappy with your team driver don't take it out on me.

The next time he is home, he won't get that support & care he got last time from me because I just Skyped him & told him the reason I skyped him was a face to face confrontation & told him I was leaving permanently & for him not to even think about coming to the doctor's office because the office manager already told me that he will be arrested!

And I will make sure that when I meet someone else & I ask them what do they do & they reply trucking, I will break off the relationship ASAP even if they look as good as Brad Pitt!

But only in movies & in Hollywood are there sexy, handsome truck drivers!

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Dec 27, 2013
Really? NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi, I am married to a OTR truck driver/mover and let me start with you have no idea what it is like for them! From dealing with Shippers, weather, delivery schedules, transit....then having there wife at home also. that is rough. My husband has his bad days just like anyone else and there are times that he needs to vent and I feel like he is venting in my direction alittle more then needed. But remember this is there job they are fortunate enough to have an 8-5 to lay in there own bed at night or have a hot meal. So just because some truck drivers cheat doesnt mean they all do......some doctors cheat not all of them do. How well do your co-workers know your husband to say okay he is moody he must be cheating? really! I get moody but would never cheat on my husband. the bottom line for being truckers wife is this....it aint easy so if you dont truly love them then let them go

Oct 28, 2013
Work! NEW
by: Anonymous

It's work to maintain a good marriage under any circumstance. There's no such thing as "they lived happily ever after". That only happens in fairy tales. If he won't go to counseling with you, then go alone. Maybe you can learn some coping skills. When you start working on yourself the rest follows. Remember marriage is a partnership. I'd like to think we are all equal but occasionally some of us are more "equal" than others.
You might do all the taking care of him, did you ever stop to think about what he does for you?
When my man is home, he cooks for me (otherwise he has to eat my cooking, which, admittedly isn't as good as his). He has tea brewing for me for when I get home from work. He recognizes my job is stressful too and I could use some pampering too.

Oct 27, 2013
Talk NEW
by: Anonymous

You can only talk to your significant other or spouse if they want to talk! Some men don't like to talk because they either have poor communication skills & this is why some people go outside the relationship to seek advice & as far as marriage counseling well again usually men don't like to go to them because if they are wrong or at fault they don't want to be told that either!

Oct 27, 2013
think NEW
by: Anonymous

Okay. Let's think about something. If your truck driver was home more how do you know things would be different? They probably wouldn't. This isn't about being perfect. This is about compassion and trying to be understanding towards the one you're supposed to love. So many people want someone else's advice and/or approval they talk. If I have issues with my spouse, I talk to him about it, not my coworkers or my patients or my friends. None of these other people can fix my relationship problems because THEY ARE NOT IN MY RELATIONSHIP. This is about intelligence and common sense. My advice to anybody with issues with your significant other? Talk to each other. If that doesn't work, go to marriage counseling.

Oct 27, 2013
think NEW
by: Anonymous

Okay. Let's think about something. If your truck driver was home more how do you know things would be different? They probably wouldn't. This isn't about being perfect. This is about compassion and trying to be understanding towards the one you're supposed to love. So many people want someone else's advice and/or approval they talk. If I have issues with my spouse, I talk to him about it, not my coworkers or my patients or my friends. None of these other people can fix my relationship problems because THEY ARE NOT IN MY RELATIONSHIP. This is about intelligence and common sense. My advice to anybody with issues with your significant other? Talk to each other. If that doesn't work, go to marriage counseling.

Oct 27, 2013
Venting NEW
by: Anonymous

This is a reply to the one that said she hopes the person is not a nurse! Well I am not married to an OTR trucker but have friends that do drive trucks locally but I do have a neighbor that is a nurse & she has told me about certain neighbors she would let them lie in the street if they had a heart attack! So being a nurse does not make one perfect & that goes for you too if you are one! No one is perfect!

Oct 27, 2013
Truckers wife NEW
by: Anonymous

Married for twenty five years now. Sounds like you picked a loser to begin with! Why are you discussing your personal stuff with coworkers anyway?
If you have problems with your marriage you should be talking to your spouse. Get a professional mediator if you need to but don't talk to other people! Too many others have their own problems and actually take pleasure in contributing to your misery...
They aren't your friends!
Sometimes being married to someone who travels away from home for a living requires lots of compromise and WORK! If you're not willing to work on this relationship, what makes you think another one would be any better. By the way, when one spouse is gone, the one behind can cheat all they like too. It's not a one way street. It depends on your own integrity!

Oct 20, 2013
by: Anonymous

Wow I really hope you're not a nurse. You don't sound as intelligent as I would hope someone in our profession would be. I understand we all have problem and all want someone to talk to and its hard being the wife of a truck driver. You feel alone and then you have other people giving their opinions. Have you ever used that theraputic communication they stressed on you in nursing school to try to talk to your husband and see where he's coming from. Perhaps he's not one of your patients, but you probably treat them with more respect when it comes to how you treat them. I'm not saying how he's acting is right, but we've all got reasons why we act the way we do. be the bigger person and try to help him figure it out. A relationship is about working as a team, not giving up when things get tough, and other people give you their opinions.

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