left stranded by driver and he kept my dog. heartbroke without her

by A Boon
(Denver Co)

i was authorized and insured to ride in the company leased truck with my, now ex boyfriend, by his employer. he kicked me out of the truck with no money. far from home and he still has my dog.

i found a shelter to stay at. Then contacted him begging for the safe return of my dog to a local terminal. im concerned for my dogs safety. and am afraid of what will happen if I call the company to complain..... will he just dump her and say he doesnt know what im talking about. i want to go home but am afraid to leave without getting my dog back.

He dives otr and I have no way to verify how my dog is. and if I call the police to sieze my dog how will i get to help I dont know what to do.

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Oct 31, 2015
crazy hitch
by: Anonymous

Either your ex is a psycho or you are I can't tell yet only people scared of something they did would not call the police. Like lily from himym said where's the poop

Mar 03, 2015
I plan to file charges
by: A BOON

I do plan to file charges. But Im still stranded. Ive called 25 charities asking for help with bus fare home.

Dont know what to do... And I cant really file charges until I can get home and get copies of my dogs registration and licensing from the animal shelter.

As I kept her paperwork on the truck. I figured then the police would contact Swift for me...

Can any drivers out there help me? I'm in Denver Co trying to get to California. or does anybody have any suggestions..... I've never dealt with being stranded anywhere. any suggestions would be helpful...


Mar 03, 2015
sorry to hear
by: LWB

Sorry to hear on that. Thats messed up. Since it is ur dog and he took it, u do have the right to call police on it and charge put on him for it of dog kidnapping.

Can even call his company on it and see of help get it returned to u and state that u are also pursuing charges against him for taking ur dog after he stranded you...they then got no choice but to call him in and return it.

U can also put out things online on it and of different dog rescue groups to look around animal shelters to see if he did dump off the dog and got picked up.


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