Legal guidelines for driving after smoking weed

by John

Can a driver in Colorado drive two days after ingestion of Cannabis? After three months since the last ingestion of cannabis, would the driver be legal to drive?

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Jun 16, 2014
Driving after smoking NEW
by: Hervy

Days after smoking you are not still high. To my knowledge, it isn't illegal to drive just because you smoked days ago. (To make absolute sure you need to ask a lawyer or perhaps DMV).

However, if you are drug tested you might still test positive.

If it were me John, I would just leave the week alone if you want a career as a trucker. Once you get fail the drug test, it will be difficult to ever resume your career at a decent trucking company if any.

Think about it, it's only going to get more competitive for people looking for trucking jobs at good companies.

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