Let the Bodies Hit the Door!!!!

by Todd Derk
(Kewanna, IN U.S.A.)

I was driving out of Louisiana where i was helping with the F.E.M.A. cleanup effort after Hurricane Katrina left New Orleans Devastated. We were bringing in bottled water and MRE meals from Marengo, IN, and take a loaded trailer back to New mexico and pick up another trailer empty to take to Texas to be loaded with Bedding and personal hygiene products.

There was one day I will never forget. I never knew what left Louisiana to New Mexico til I had to actually back one up to the dock one day as the bills were always marked Debris and miscellaneous, But I did what the guy said. I cut the seal off of the trailer and positioned myself to back up. I went to raise the roll up door on the trailer and was immediately tackled by what felt like 10 frozen Pig carcasses pre packaged.

It wasn't til I climbed out of the pile that I realized that they were coroner's body bags. I didn't see the bodies, but I knew what they were....My heart goes out to each and every one of the people who lost someone in hurricane Katrina, and to the ones who had nobody, and of course to the lost souls riding in that trailer that day.

I still have bad dreams cause of that and questions. Good thing that I drive a truck, I would not want to be the guy that had to unload all those bodies from the back of that trailer.

I wish there had been a trailer there to pick up that was empty.... But, I all the same, learned to always ask what you are hauling or inspect the load if it isn't sealed. If it is already sealed, I won't haul it anymore. and if the delivery that is on the bills of lading says : University of New Mexico Research, It is probably not debris.

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You learned a valuable lesson! NEW
by: Anonymous

That must of been crazy....I am glad you learned from it. Yes a person must always check the load and the writing on the paper...you are responsible for the load once you leave the dock and if it was drugs in there and you were pulled over you would go to jail for it.....thats just another thing to put out there...protect yourself....

I hope you recover from the dreams one day and you get better....

God Bless!

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