License Points

I got 3 license points for 9 over a few months ago. This is the only thing on my license, originally lawyer said she could get me a PJC but DMV said no for CDL driver so I don't know what else to do.

How does 3 points look to employers when looking for a job? Ticket was for my personal car no while driving a truck.

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Oct 26, 2015
by: Anonymous

If it was for speeding... you will have a hard time regardless of whether or not in your personal vehicle..

Same with reckless driving, failure to stop, etc...

It all depends what it was for. That's what they will look for on your MVR. There is always a VC that they refer to....

When a trucker, always a trucker. Just like with alcohol, you are held to a higher standard in all aspects of driving, just a police officer would be.

You have to be a professional in your car also.

The saving grace is that when fighting a ticket(as you should ALWAYS do, regardless of fault).. you may be allowed driving school to exponged as opposed to the Class A...."NO DRIVING SCHOOL"

Oct 25, 2015
Does not matter
by: Hervy

What you were driving to earn the points doesn't matter all that much. What you got the point for is more important.

3 points won't keep you from getting a job but it will knock out some companies.

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