Life as a gypsy trucker - What mail box service can a trucker use

by Andrea Hart
(Chicago, IL, USA)

I drove truck some 20 years ago. My husband and I are giving up our current lifestyle to go drive truck again.

Used to, to gypsy, one could use a P. O. Box for an address. What address can a trucker use when they gypsy? What recommendations can you give? Thanks trucker!

I really like your site!

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Jun 21, 2017
Mailbox solution NEW
by: Total Office Services

We offer a virtual address solution. With our TOS Virtual Address you can read your physical/paper mail and see your packages on your phone or tablet. You can also see your packages.
You can then direct us to open and scan your mail, forward it, shred it, hold for pick up, etc. We make this extremely easy.
Special pricing for Professional Truckers Association (PTAG, look up FB page) members. Call us at 7404-948-8120 for info.

May 08, 2017
Overheating tires NEW
by: Dewey evans

Good afternoon
I have something very important to tell y'all a company has just invented a machine they will go when your trucks it will tell you when your tires is getting overheated or is low on air if you would like such a device it only cost 1300 installed
Please contact Mr. Evans I will give you the phone number and email address you will never have to worry about hurting one on the highway's again or get me in trouble

713 256 3867

Jan 12, 2012
Tthere are big differences between mail services NEW
by: Vicki Simons

Hello Andrea,

My husband Mike and I have twice put everything in self-storage, becoming "homeless" but for living in the company-issued truck being driven. The first time was when we teamed. The second was when I rode with him while he drove regionally. So we know from personal experience that there are big differences between mail services.

While truckers may get a P.O. Box from the United States Postal Service (USPS), packages from other couriers cannot be delivered there. What if you order something that is delivered by Federal Express (FedEx) or United Parcel Service (UPS) or some other courier? They won't (can't) deliver it to your box. In such a scenario, you would have to have it sent to someone whom you trust -- and with whom you have an agreement to receive packages for you -- whom you will see when you get home. You will have to remember the shipping address of the place where you want your package delivered. Plus, it can get a bit complicated if the delivery person has to get a signature. Will the person be home to sign for your package for you?

For years, we have used with great success the mail services of a local branch of The UPS Store (formerly Mail Boxes, Etc.). You may want to investigate that kind of service in your area.

I wrote a page for our site that addresses becoming, as you call it, gypsy truckers:

Homeless Truckers: Considerations and Preparations for Life Without a Residence

When you get on the road, we wish you safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities.

Best regards,
Vicki Simons

Jan 12, 2012
Mail boxes for over the road truckers NEW
by: Hervy

Andrea you can get a post office box now from many different services like mail box exchange or mailbox etc. that handles your mail and packages and you can't even tell that they are not a street address.

Other sites like Mailbox Forwarding will actually scan your mail and you view it online. Now that's fancy! lol.

glad you like the site, thanks for letting us know


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