life as a trucker is a Great and informative website

by Jeff
(Conley, GA)



yokinfolk404, I'm Just chilling at home in Atlanta and wanted to let everyone know that the information provided here is as factual as I've ever seen anywhere as to life as a trucker. I like the fact that you are dedicated to your creation and would like to encourage you bruh to continue doing what you do. And yes, keep the videos coming, I run my camera all day just to kinda have a video journal of the little things that I encounter out here that most people would never even notice. After many years out here I've learned that life isn't lived day-to-day but instead, minute-to minute, so I remind myself to slow down and enjoy every mintue of my life, because the next one isn't promised! Stay safe and keep it in the road. PEACE

Jeff, but on the radio they call me "Poe".

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Jul 19, 2008
Re: Great and informative website
by: The Crazy Trucker

What happening cuz,

I appreciate that man. I always love to see another cat thats done realized things the way you have man.

So many people let things that come from negative thinking ruin the happiness in their life and it don't have to be that way. We need more people like you out on the road. Thanks for checking me out.

You keep the vids coming too, I got to check and see what you got jumping after police log lol. That was hot. Hotlanta was hot that day.

I believe they've started bugging out in Ga. Seems like they are pulling alot more trucks lately, is it me or is that whats happening in GA? Holla back soon man, gonna add a lot of fun stuff to the site in the next coming weeks. (As soon as I sit still long enough to work on it)

Oh yeah you are exactly right about having that camcorder running. I be telling all my friends to get one and make sure they document their kids and special events. I suggest you make that suggestion t your loved ones too if you haven't because a lot of people don't think about how valuable that footage will be to the family in 20 years from the date its filmed. (priceless) I am even writing an entire e-book about video. Video documentation is way more deeper than people realize.

Ok, I've gotten started running my mouth now, it's time for me to count sheep.

Thanks for visiting and commenting.

The Crazy Trucker

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