life as a trucker

by Jake
(broken bow oklahoma )

i am thinking about trucking but dont know for sure i am an assistant manager and have a good life at home with m family i just get tired of being in a store for 8-10 hours a week dealin with bad customers they make me feel down everything i have i got from working there ive een there 8 years i am tired i want to be somebody do something with my life but i know i will miss my family im not sure if ican deal with that part of it wondering if it is all worth it i know you cant make a decision for me but i would like some good advice thank you

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Jul 26, 2008
I Say Give It A Try...
by: MiNuS...

I said give it a try...You have the manager experience...So if trucking for you fails...then you can get another job faster then the average person...working is something that must be rewarding...and also you must enjoy doing it...if not...then you become unhappy and that can cause's clear that your unhappy at your i say just trucking a chance...if you feel as though it's effecting your family badly them just go local after you get the 6 month to a years experience that most companies request...but if your family is fine and ok with you being on the where ever the next load takes you...

Jul 25, 2008
Is trucking for me?
by: Larry

If you really have a good family and a good family relationship you are somebody as well as have something many, many people do not have. I've been driving for almost 30 years. I also have a great family but they grew up with trucking. The stress on you and your wife can and will probally be great as well as your kids. The pay starting out is not very good and will add to the stress. Many companys paint a pretty picture and its not all that pretty. Ask what the starting pay is and subtract $10,000 plus another $5000 a year for food and things you may need on the road. sorry to be so negitive but it is reality. On the other hand there is nothing like seeing this great country of ours and all the great people it contains. If you really want to get into it I would highly recommend finding a job where you can be home every nite, but I can almost assure you it will be long hours. I would love to see you realize a dream but if your kids are between 3 and 18 just remember, when the youngest is 18 trucking will still be there. Hope this helps. If you have any other questions comment here and we can take it from there.

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