Life as a trucker's wife is stressful but well worth it.

by Renee
(Davis, OK)

It can be tough to b a truckers wife. It has it's up's and down's. I am one of the few truckers wives that is out on the road with her husband on a regular basis.

I have been on both sides. I have been on the road with my husband on a regular basis and I have stayed home while he was out. Not because I wanted to, but because some of the companies policies. They would not allow me out there with him for the first 90 days.

As far as being on the side of being home while he is out, in a way, it was kinda nice. We had a chance to b apart for a little while. What i mean by that is we wasn't together all the time.

Which being around each other constantly causes fights. Not always. But some. But it was also hard because of the simple fact that i was having to take care of all the bills by myself.

At that time, I was used to discussing what we could and could not afford to pay at that time. We had a phone to where we could talk it over, but it was always nice for him to be there with me to that.

You've heard the old saying, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder"? Well, that's not always the case. It HAS caused a lot of divorces. For some, its because of the feeling of lack of support, affection, and many other reasons. To which there own.

And as far as being on the road with him, its nice. It helps keep our marriage together. We do run out of things to talk about quit often.

A lot of the things we talk about, we've talked about a dozen or more times before. With me having a laptop, we r able to pay bills online. Which with just the two of us, we don't have many bills.

If there is any thing that needs to b done at home, his mom takes care of it for us. Like I said before, it has its ups and downs

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May 31, 2012
wife and husband on the road NEW
by: Hervy

Thanks for sharing with us Renae.

Hope you guys have many more fun years on the road.


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