Life as a Truckers Wife SUCKS!
My hubby became a trucker about 1.5yrs ago. We have been married for almost 14 yrs now.
While I am taking care of my elderly Mother out of state, hubby is into cyber sex with "women" (I use that term loosely) from all over the world.
I didnt marry to sit home alone for weeks on end, then to see my hubby come home for two days, sleep one day and go on the puter the second day.
May as well be single. YUP, that is what I am goin to do, be single, first time I caught him doing the nasty on the internet I forgave him. Second time....just get out of my life!
Trucking is NOT for me. In fact my Hubby is NOT for me! He can have all the whores from around the world and in his back yard for all I care now.....may he get what he deserves!