Life as a Truckers Wife SUCKS!

My hubby became a trucker about 1.5yrs ago. We have been married for almost 14 yrs now.
While I am taking care of my elderly Mother out of state, hubby is into cyber sex with "women" (I use that term loosely) from all over the world.

I didnt marry to sit home alone for weeks on end, then to see my hubby come home for two days, sleep one day and go on the puter the second day.

May as well be single. YUP, that is what I am goin to do, be single, first time I caught him doing the nasty on the internet I forgave him. Second time....just get out of my life!

Trucking is NOT for me. In fact my Hubby is NOT for me! He can have all the whores from around the world and in his back yard for all I care now.....may he get what he deserves!

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Jan 18, 2015
Update again.... NEW
by: Anonymous

The ex husband who refused many times to fly on a plane with me during our 14n yrs of marriage, went to the Philippine this past Sept 2014 and married the internet whore.

I feel that the USA does not need that kind of person coming to the USA. I have written to the US Embassy in the Philippines as I did when the whore and my now ex husband was "doing" their thing via the computer. Her visa was denied at that time. I hope it is denied again! It would do our nation a great service to make HIM go live in the Philippines with the whore.

Anyway, it has taken a toll on me emotionally. I loved that man with all my heart and soul. I pray constantly for all those feeling to disappear, they are going slowly but surely.

I know the two of them will get what they deserve one way or the other.

My life will go on and be better by NOT having him and his evil ways in my life.

I dont understand how men can do this. I now know of three married men who have have an online/phone affair and then flew to the Phillipines to marry the whores.

Dec 12, 2013
by: Anonymous

Divorce was finalized. Mixed emotions. Only because of the love I have for my now ex-husband. I pray that all those feelings will disappear asap.

The EX has changed trucking jobs countless times now. Why? I have no idea. He is once again planning to marry the person he has been having the internet/cybersex affair with. All I can say is what goes around come around!!

As for me, I am beginning a new chapter in my life. I will do my best and live the best I can. I wont waiver no matter what.

Strong I am, and strong I will stay! May all you other "Truckers Wives" have a wonderful life.

Nov 15, 2013
good for you!! NEW
by: Anonymous

You have accomphlished what you set out to do and you have been blessed with inner strenght to overcome all the obstacles as well. Glad to hear another success story!

GOD BLESS! smile

Nov 15, 2013
Update: Cheating Husband NEW
by: Annie

Well it has been sometime since I posted my first post. Here is the update:
My divorce will be final in just 2-3 weeks, the time it takes for the judge to look over the final divorce decree, sign the papers and have the court clerk file it.

In the meantime, my husbands "girlfriend" has dumped him due to lack of money,(in my opinion) though she posted on her FB page that she was tired of him. All of a sudden hubby is interested in me, his wife once again! Phone calls all the time, how he screwed up big time and wants to get his life in order etc etc etc.

I refused to stop the divorce, which by the way I have done on my own with NO LAWYER! I explained that I can not be married to a man that is a liar and a cheater, who doesnt has any morals, who continues to speak broken philipino and talk about his girlfriend and thinks it funny.

The hurt has been almost unbearable at times, since I love my husband with all my heart. Letting go is devastating to me. Of course he doesnt understand since he can not love anyone with all his heart, for his heart and soul is black.

I know time will heal all and I am moving on with my life. I will be thankful when this divorce is final. Not happy, as it is a very sad situation. But I will survive and will have a wonderful life in the years to come...without my soon to be ex-husband.

Mar 09, 2013
dear annie NEW
by: Anonymous

I too wish you a new happy life you are a very respectful beautiful woman and deserve only the best!

Mar 09, 2013
Answer to question... NEW
by: Annie

Someone asked if hubby was into this internet thing before trucking. YES about 12yrs ago for 9 months he was hooked, it was bad. I tried to worked thru it to the point I was packing to leave, then he realized he screwed up. He had been living a good life and staying away from that until about 6wks ago. I dont know how he got back into it and frankly I dont care any more. I do know that he has proposed to three different Philippino "women",(unless they all have the same ID) and one always asks for money...HE SENDS HER MONEY!! wont send me any for meds but will send her some...
Ok I am trying to be good. It is hard, but a new chapter has opened up in my life.
I dont understand this and never will, I hope no one has to go thru this ever!
I do know there are plenty of men and truck drivers who are hard working faithful men. I will not judge others for my husbands actions.
If you "feel" something is "off" balance, then look for the cause, tho you may not want to know.
I wish all a good and happy life.

Mar 08, 2013
Its the man not the job! NEW
by: Anonymous

I agree its time to get out! But just to clarify things... There are a lot of good men out there who work hard as a trucker. They are providing for their families and remaining faithful to their wives. I know I am married to one!!

Mar 08, 2013
Wow Wow!! to the last post.... NEW
by: Anonymous

are you looking to take down someone with you while you wallow in your misery??????

what a blow to your self respect...this must of hit you so hard you think you deserve to be treated this way by your husband, and for him to openly let you know he cheats online but not at home, and the fact that you are still with him only means one thing, you must have the worst case of low self esteem I have ever seen. To accept and reinforce this type of behavior by saying YOU allow him to meet women online for cyber sex, and it is okay as long as he does not bring it home, shows others you are pretty twisted up you are yourself.

He is not only cheating online silly, what does he do when he gets an erection and needs to relieve himself?? lol, waits till he gets home?? sounds like you are able to justify his behavior to appease yourself and the way you feel about your self because you okay-ed it...

You really need some help and God is the answer because God does not see this type of behavior as appropriate.

Mar 08, 2013
Just my opinion NEW
by: Anonymous

I agree that cyber sex isn't good. However, i would rather my ol man view some naked women on the internet than in person. Alot of men lead these double lives. It's when you have the proof that you should make a decision. I'm not telling you that you should overlook this if it bothers you but do weigh the options. Take a step back and look at all the facts.
My ol man loves his family and treats us with respect. He doesn't bring that crap into this home. He knows I don't like it and respects that.
I think most men fantasize about what they don't have and don't need. Only some act on it and take it further.

Mar 08, 2013
good way to look at it..... NEW
by: Anonymous

good for you, who cares for someone who doesn't care about them....get out while your ahead... only creeps do things like that..who wants to be with a creep....

there are a lot of men who are content with themselves and do not display this behavior..don't need to go find sex on computers etc....some ask how do I know...because there are a lot of men who do not even own a computer...or use a cell phone data plan...

you will find one of those gentlemen who do exist and find true happiness again....good luck

Mar 08, 2013
is it the man or the job? NEW
by: Anonymous

Was he into this before he got into trucking? Just curious.

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