Life can be cruel when you love someone that works on the road

by becky
(Gloucester uk)

I've been with my partner for 4 & a half years now, and I hate his job because it keeps us apart & I just love being around him & to cuddle with him at night in bed..

I do get very lonely at times too but when he is doing it for the money you just have to bare with it & except that's what he does for a living..

although I really feel sorry for my daughter as she hardly see her dad & he never does the father role with her which upsets me..

most of the times he never has time for me he just comes home goes to bed then back out again!!

I do think to myself what a life he lives but he tells me he loves his job!! and says he does feel torn between his job & me.

I wanted a big family with him but as long as I'm with him I can't see that ever happening because I wouldn't get any help & I need to work to pay the house bills which I can only just about manage now on my own..

I'd say to all you ladys out there that is with a trucker fairplay to you all we all deserve to be treated right when the other half comes home.

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Feb 18, 2011
by: Anonymous

I just want to say I am one of those wives that Husband just started Trucking. This is all NEW to me and I want to WAH WAH I will. This is TERRIBLY Hard for my Husband too. We cry alot together on the phone and when he is stopped for the night. I am trying VERY HARD to be Supportive. With Jim's help and other friends I have made on here, I am learning all about trucking. The do and donts and I am printing off all ideas and comments I can and he reads them when he is home or he takes them with him and on his down time he reads them. He is New too and is like a Sponge he says and wants to learn all he can from other senior experienced drivers.
I do not feel sorry for myself. I feel sorry that our lives have had to give up or farm and go in a new direction in our lives. I LOVE my Husband and I cannot wait to be able to ride with him in the Truck. I look forward to him bringing the Bobtail home so I can fit it up for him with the helpful ideas I have gotten here on the forum.
I am SO PROUD of my Husband for all the Hard work he has done to get this Job and for working Hard to provide a roof over our heads and pay the bills.
Am I Lonely H*LL YEAH! Do I MISS him YES Very Much!! I am finding things to help pass the time but it still does not replace him and I do not want it too.
Each Wife or Partner is dealing with there experiences differently. All we can do is to be SUPPORTIVE and ENCOURAGING and KIND to each other. Be a Shoulder to Lean and Cry on. This is a Cool place to read and see that I am not the only one feeling the way I do.
So please do not bite someones head off because they just want to vent on how they feel. We all LOVE and MISS our Truckers and this Wife is VERY PROUD of hers.
My Heart and Prayers go out to anyone else going through being a Newbie like me. And for the Senior Wives out there, I am just Amazed and Totally Impressed and Admire you for all you do as a Truckers wife.
God Bless you All!

Feb 18, 2011
quit whining!
by: Anonymous

All these posts on here about how you hate his job, he's gone all the time. WHA WHA . At least he has a job! One of the hardest jobs out there. He could be a soilder off in harms way in some crazy place you never heard of. Find a more positive way to fill your time and be supportive to your mate instead of feeling sorry for yourself.

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