Life of A Trucker's Wife - Patience and Understanding is Key

by Misty
(Hicksville, NC)

I guess I am one of the fortunate ones. I have been a trucker's wife now for 15 years. While my husband is gone more than he is home, He more than makes up for it when he is home.

He calls me daily and we have breakfast (sometimes lunch) together. Not going to say it is all sunshine and roses, but it is close.

Patience and understanding is key. This was his life before me. We have three children 14, 12, and 10. They keep me pretty busy.

I have a family who is very understanding. When he is home, they take the kids for a cpl nights while we have our time. Even if it is just going to dinner, snuggling on the couch, or behind closed doors, you can make it work.

Before the kids, I got a little lonely. But then I became active in my community. It helped a lot.

So patience and understanding is the best key.

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Jul 16, 2018
Figuring it out and making ot work
by: Hervy

Thanks for sharing Misty. Sounds you all are making it work pretty well.

I think its very important for other couples who might find it more difficult to hear those stories.

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