Living on the Road? Need advice!

by Tracey
(St. Louis, MO)

Hello, all! After countless dead end jobs, my husband of almost eight years took the plunge and became a trucker earlier this year. He's now going on six months OTR. There is so much more to the life than either of us ever expected, but aside from all the negative that comes with being a trucker, he's actually pretty happy with it and we're finally making enough money to keep our heads above water.

Anyway, to get to the point. We've always joked about getting rid of our apartment and bills and me just tagging along with him on the road and basically living in his truck. Well, call it a mid-life crisis, but the past few weeks, I've actually been considering it.

I hate my job, we don't have kids to tie us down, and really, I'm just ready for a big change in my life. He's down for me taking the leap and joining him on the road full time, but I'd really like to hear from some of you ladies about it. Is there anyone out there who rides with their husband full time as a non-driver?

What are the pros and cons? Do you regret your decision to join him? I'm nervous about not having a place to call home other than the truck, but it also sounds kind of thrilling, living like a nomad and not knowing what each day will bring. Please let me know your thoughts and\or experiences--good, bad, and ugly.


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Mar 14, 2016
Tried it NEW
by: Anonymous

I agree with the previous comment to try it and its fun for awhile, but most likely you won't want to live like that for long. Some couples and families make it work and have fun. Probably depends on the temperment of each adult. My fiance already is an impatient person and I saw a completely different side of him being in a truck and around him 24 hours a day in that kind of lifestyle. In my opinion it will definitely put your relationship to the test like never before.

The truck APU had to run at night most of the time to give us air conditioning and it was so loud and so much vibration having so sleep so close to the APU for me.

Everyone is different but for me it was only fun for awhile.

Feb 17, 2016
Mid life crisis " Fun Family Road Trip".. NEW
by: Anonymous

Hello I'm Janet your post catch my eye lol
My husband is truck driver That's drives from
California • Oregon • Washington 2x a week
we having financial prioblems so my kiddos 4-5 y.o & I Adecided To tag along with my husband also is a perfect way in gods will to get back on our feet
Well let me tell you is so much fun traveling most important we enjoy familiy companionship iamazing it give me the benefit of Mommy/Teacher homeschooling presholling my kids. And yes we at times miss our home but is a great idea to make the bad times into good times .... My advice is go for it life is to short to sit back and loose opputunities. Next you realize geesh I'm 60 yrs old so enjoy your self & hubby
Love,Live and Laugh🌠

Oct 29, 2015
Thought Leader Interview: Linda A. Hill Case Solution NEW
by: Thought Leader Interview: Linda A. Hill Case Solution

My friend recommended this blog and he was totally right keep up the good work.
Thought Leader Interview: Linda A. Hill Case Solution

Oct 24, 2015
many couples do it. NEW
by: Anonymous

get the occasional hotel room...... most love it...
but it does get old being on the truck all the time.

but if.tiff relatioship is strong go for it.

Oct 23, 2015
Rockstars NEW
by: Anonymous

You will eventually want a solid place to call "home'... many folks get a small apartment somewhere on their OTR run that they pass through often and possibly have time to spare.

While it all sounds good on paper, anyone who has been on the road for a period of time knows that "feeling" that you get when you just need to get as far away from the truck as possible.

You need solid ground and stillness.

Its all good for a while, but eventually you burn out, and trust me when I say, that passenger seat is not NEARLY as comfortable as the drivers seat.

You will get tired. Very tired. Not "sleep" tired, but "restless" tired.

You WILL MOST CERTAINLY end up learning to drive. You wont like getting in that passenger seat over and over just watching him shift the gears and have good reason to stay awake.

You will also be in closer proximity to your partner than youve ever been before. you will need breaks away from eachother before you kill eachother.

You will trip over eachother (no matter how big the interior) over and over again.

Women need to stop more than men do. They just do. Its natural. Its necessary. He may tire of this, which will in turn cause animosity, smart comments... and you wanting to drive and take control for a while instead.

There is a lot to consider, but truly, regardless of feedback from others, the only way to find out is to give it a try.

My guess is: for a little while. Not long.

Good luck.

Maybe you can buy two trucks and run together that way.

Make a bunch of money and stay fairly close, yet independent. Choose when you want to be together rather than be forced.

You'll be like a rock band. They all have internal issues. Its from being too close for too long (among other things) they tear up motels because they just want to be home.

Its a "catch-22" in many ways, because once you are rested up, you will want to hit it again.

A motel will buy you some time, but its not the same.

Give it a try. Sounds like youve got nothing to lose, and if you don't like it, well... you know what to do.

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