Load abandonment for not staying to pick up load

by Robert
(Phoenix, Arizona )

Truck driver waiting at the shipper

Truck driver waiting at the shipper

If you are only getting paid mileage and leave because a load will not be ready for another 4 - 5 hours you have not signed for it and has not left terminal.

Is it still abandon and can it be held against me?

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Jan 27, 2023
Waiting At the Shipper
by: The Crazy Trucker

I don't know if it can technically be called load abandonment or not. It seems it would be something else. You don't have the load.

However, it is bad business to just leave a load that you have been assigned or agreed to pick up.

Trucking can often take 4 to 5 hours to load unfortunately.

If you're a company driver you definitely have no leverage to just leave a load there.

If you are owner operator, you should call the broker and tell them you are leaving. You should have a better excuse than how long it will take to load though.

Unless the time contradicts what they told you and causes you to not make scheduled delivery, etc.

But even if you won't wait for the load, at least they know and are not thinking the load is going to be picked up. That is worse then just telling them you don't want the load.

You just need to make a note not to go back to that shipper again.

When this happens to me I will see if broker can speed the process if not, I will decide whether or not I will ever pickup at that shipper again.

Never just leave. They should give you detention after 2 hours for most trucking companies.

Improve trucking life

Remember you can choose what you focus on. You can focus on how long it will take to get loaded.

Or you can think about what productive ways you can spend your down time.

Calling loved ones

You don't have to let the 4 hours be a waste of time.

You could even be working on something that will end up creating a stream of revenue for you later.

You're going to run into the same situation again as long as you're trucking.

So figure out a positive way to handle the situation.

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