Local Trucking CD/DVD Resellers
Find your local reseller here
If you are looking for trucking information on CD or DVD about becoming a trucker or life-as-a-trucker, your in the right place.
Becoming a Trucker is not for everyone so you should make sure you watch and listen to the information about becoming a trucker before making a final decision. Listed below is a list of authorized independent reseller in your area. Buying a copy from them instead of ordering from me online saves you money and time!
If you don't see a distributor or your local area listed you may want to become the local distributor for your area and make some extra money after watching the DVD or listening to the CD.
Learn more about becoming a Local Distributor Here
Distributors List Yourself Here Below. Find Local CD/DVD Distributor
All businesses, individuals, organizations, etc that are carrying the DVD, should submit your information here so people local to your area can find you and purchase Life As A Trucker DVDs and CD's at the discounted price you wish to charge for copies.
If you are looking for a local place to pick up cds or dvds that you've seen for sale, below is a list of some locations that have them available.
Who Else Carries The DVD in this area
Click below to see where else you can finds lifeasatrucker CDS and DVDs.
Want to Become a Distributor? Buy your master now and start making copies. Represent your local area and make gas money. Buy Becoming a trucker dvd and start selling copies! Here's How.
Becoming a Trucker