Local refrigerator trucking

by Joe

I am retiring shortly and wanted to start a small refrigerator trucking business. Either buying 2 sprinter refrigerated vans or a refrigerated box truck.

Brings me to my question.

How do I find local loads? I've emailed companies that supply food throughout the city and haven't received any replies.

Any advice I can get will be deeply appreciated.

thank you again,


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May 05, 2017
Use the loadboard Joe
by: Hervy

Joe you are doing the right thing calling companies Joe. Its a numbers game. Keep calling them.

Meanwhile you could lease on to companies like Courier Express, Panther II, Load 1 and others to get loads and learn the business.

You could also use dat load board, Uship.com and UberFreight.

Here is a page with more info about using loadboards

Also, there is an expo coming up July 14 and 15 for expedited freight. Go to expeditexpo.com

You didnt say what u were retiring from. If you have no idea about trucking it might be helpful to run company for a while to learn how it goes.

You will need authority and MCC if you ate going completely independent

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