Lonely but lucky and proud trucker's wife

by pamela c todd
(shelby NC)

I knew that being the wife of a trucker would be a task and I would have to learn a new way of life and I tried to prepare myself for the lonely nights and days it was hard. My husband and I have been together for 36 years since we were 14 and 15 year old.

He started driving when he was 19 years old and it was for a local company that was great because he came home everyday . The next 5 year he worked hard for that company and then on to the next where he was there 11 years and then a third company for an additional 13 years still coming home everyday.

Then my health change and he had to then find a job over the road to cover the bills be cause I could no longer work .

That's when the loneliness began and a new way of seeing our relationship.
He would no longer be there to hold me we the pain started and my feeling safe was not there anymore .But my husband made it a smooth transition by being there for me when I need to talk and making me understand that he was doing this for us.

I thought him being gone would pull us apart but it only rejuvenated the love we have because we finally got the chance to miss each other and appreciate the love and commitment we have and enjoy the time we have each time he's home.

So in conclusion I would like to say enjoy the time you have with your driver it's precious and you will have a closer bond with each other and therefore your hold family will grow in way you wouldn't imagine.

Thanks Pamela C. Todd /A proud trucker's wife

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Feb 09, 2017
Strong relationship and good perspective
by: Hervy

Glad you were able to wee things in a way that allowed you two to grow the relationship Pamela.

Thanks for sharing this experience. I think it will empower other relationships.

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