Lonely Express

by chanda

Thanks to the new friends I have made. I hope to continue to make more trucker wive friends on here. If anyone is from west virginia let me know. I'll be moving back there in the near future. thanks for all the advice that has been given on here. I'm hoping one day soon to be able to ride with my hubby on his truck, so the i can get a better understanding of what his job is and what he goes through. may God be with my trucker and all the others to bring them home to their families. god bless the trucker wives.

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Sep 25, 2010
lonely express
by: chanda

hi its me again. missing my trucker hubby alot. it has been two months since i have seen him and our eight year anniversary is coming up on the 28 of september that makes me miss him even more. take care and god bless the trucking families .

Jul 30, 2010
~On The Right Path~
by: ~Old School Homegirl~

~Sounds like you're doing a lot better. I am so happy for you. Take care and God Bless.~

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