
by Amanda Evans
(Marietta, GA)

My husband has been an over the road driver for 10 years. We have been married for 3. I have 3 kids from a previous marriage and we have his 2 sons from his previous marriage. Our kids are ages 10,9,8,7 &6. They make it all worth it. We plan a party every time their daddy comes home.

My favorite memory is when Kelly was out and called to say he wasn't going to be able to stop in before his drop. It had been 3 weeks since he had been home and I was so looking forward to seeing him.

I had been listening to Sara Evans "i just wanna be mad" and I told him that I just wanted to be mad for a while, and I couldn't talk. I turned the song up and cleaned the living room.

After a little bit I started to dance around with my oldest daughter and when I turned around, there was Kelly. He had snuck in the back door. He said he wanted to surprise me. I was really so mad then....lol. I yelled at him for lying to me, then I jumped in his arms!

He has continued to surprise me for the last 2 years. It's hard, being without the person you love, but the phrase absence makes the heart grow fonder has never meant so much to me.

Thanks for reading my story. Hope it makes you smile.

Comments for Lonely.....really?

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Jul 02, 2012
Love it! NEW
by: Anonymous

You all have a beautiful family & your story is sweet. I just love it hun.

Jun 14, 2012
Nice Job!! NEW
by: Helonwheels

Good for you Mrs. Evans. I am glad to hear you both have your lines of communication open as you state you were honest when you told your husband you wanted to just be mad for awhile. He accepted that for what it was and allowed you to have these emotions. When he came home he hugged you showing that he understands. (even though it was a joke)

Stay happy we only live once! :)

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