Long hard road!!!

by Constance
(Farmington New Mexico)

I am not a truck drivers wife but girlfriend which I am sure is just as hard if not harder. We have a 2 year old at home with me and I am 6 months pregnant.

My boyfriend goes over the road a lot which leaves me here at home to take care of babies and all other tasks that involve it. It seems he is gone more than he is home and it doesn't help with winter weather and long nights waiting for him to be able to leave where the weather has left him.

I stand by his side the best I can and understand he is out there making a living for all of us so that we can live the best life possible. When times get tough I often turn to his parents his father has been a truck driver all his life so his mother always knows the best way to make me cope with things.

My advice is if you love him with all your heart things will work out fine if not don't bother for this is a very very hard life to live and it is even worse with baby. You have to have trust and understanding.

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May 31, 2015
Yes it is a Long hard road NEW
by: Anonymous

Yes I know what you mean, I'm in the same boat - I miss my man so much - at least he says he wants to take the winter months off this year and look for something local.

Where I live in Florida its really bad for finding local driving work as there is so much competition. He didn't work for 3 months last year trying to find something local and he tried hard with no success. I don't want to move to another state just so he can find local work and be home more but it might come to that.

He is trying to get me to drive team with him and even though the money is good I don't want to live that lifestyle and I am afraid he might try to find another woman that will drive with him and leave me.

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