Longing for my man driving truck

by Brigit

My bf drives truck and is often gone for about 2 weeks and home for a few and then gone again. He thinks it's the perfect relationship, pays the bills and get some time together and out the door.

I miss him a lot but am thankful I got to go out in the truck with him a lot over Feb to July this year before I got a FT job again...

I just want to talk to someone who understands and doesn't feel bad for me, it's rough, esp. at night, coming home and sleeping alone. I got some great pictures of the country and can relate to his life out there and the boredom, pressure, etc.

I like it most when he's somewhere we were together, it's a connection that is so special. Like Big Cabin, OK or Little Charlies in VA Beach.

I wonder how long he'll do this for, I told him I could do it for a year or so, and it's coming up on that time line... He could do something else, I just want him to be happy and be able to make money.

It's rough, but so good to see him when he gets home. ; )

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Dec 07, 2011
Good news ! NEW
by: Brigit

My man is getting out of trucking, he's been doing it for about 5 years, I have just been with him for one of them, but he's decided to get out and I AM SO HAPPY - I know it's bad in a way, but I just miss him being gone SO MUCH and want him to be home with me, selfish, yes. Just had to share, he may go back into it, but for now, I am going to relish every moment I have him around. ; )

Nov 03, 2011
I know...
by: Brigit

He asked me actually how long I could take him driving truck and being gone, I threw out a year, but it was when we first were together, who knew... He brings up changing careers, and has done other things and is very talented - I don't give him a hard time, I do understand - being out with him gave me a good idea of what his days are like... We talk on the phone every day - it helps. Thank goodness no kids are involved, I couldn't do that! We are adults, making a life and living - I just want to be able to tell SOMEONE that I miss him, I don't lay a trip on him... Cry myself to sleep now and then - like you say, he doesn't need more to worry about. Thanks for the feedback tho. Appreciated.

Nov 02, 2011
dear longing for your man!!!
by: Robbie

Well, mine is gone 4 wks at a time, has driven for 22 years! How can you tell someone they can drive for a year then have to find something else to make money! What if he has a passion for it, are you gona take that away? He may from him ? I know its a ruff job with being away from u and if there's kids, but you can't be selfish either! I come from a family that my dad did it for almost 50 years and they were married 58 years before he passed. But my point is, don't lay a guilt trip on him, he's making money for his family. Don't get in to it when he's on the road, enough going on there with dealing with public, on the job people like, dispatch, shippers and recievers, screwed up foot ordered. Making it with the truck on time for pickups and deliveries. See, a lot on his mind as well as ours sitting here missing them! Let him decide what he wants to do with his career, he may like it and if you tell him no after a year, he may not like your decision and could be problems and issues

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