Looking for a better trucking job in Charlotte

by Victor caro
(Charlotte nc)

The roehl transportation put in my dac fail to report a accident but things that supposed accident never for me some one call the company and said I hit a passenger mirror with my trailer but didn't the person claims don't tell nothing because was and hurry the company let me go.

I worked for them 2 months now I am working with western express for 4 months without problems.

Just wanna earn more money no felony or nothing else I got some speed ticket less 15 like 5 years ago if there anything better about there give a call 4703341604

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Feb 19, 2017
Stay for a year
by: Hervy

I think you should stay there for a year. I just talked to them on the phone a few weeks ago. Seems there are a lot of opportunities and options over there.

After the year, if you don't see what you want there, then leave. You will have many more doors open up for you.

Feb 19, 2017
Stay for a year
by: Hervy

I think you should stay there for a year. I just talked to them on the phone a few weeks ago. Seems there are a lot of opportunities and options over there.

After the year, if you don't see what you want there, then leave. You will have many more doors open up for you.

Jan 09, 2016
Best of luck
by: Anonymous

Even if did or didn't, best thing to do is stay at western for 1 year with no incidents or accidents and about 2 or 3 weeks before your year is up

Give them your notice of that you will be leaving and give them the date of the day after your 1 year with them as your leaving date. By doin that 1 year, u will have better chances of gettin on with anyone that requires 6 months to a year of experience.

A lot of companies when looking, and see things like a accident or incident on dac, they won't mess with until get 1 year done incident/accident free.

I have heard that Cargo Transporter is a good company. Also haven't heard nothing bad about Knight Transport or Prime. Western express and PTL Inc. are starter and 2nd chance companies who will take anyone of bad past as long as don't lie to them and pass drug test and that simulator test they give during orientation so it's why their low pay is what it is and treat the good drivers who follow the rules like shot and give them the shut runs and the trucks that are shifty.

Federal government gives them money to take them and train them. A lot of their drivers and trainers are stuck their cause of bad choices and violations where no other company will take them.

I know how western is cause I had driven for them for them in some in 2014 and got let go. I live in NC and instead of TN terminal or the emporia VA terminal, they had me based out of the Nazareth PA terminal and I ran mostly the North east region and only got came home 1 time for only a 10 hour on a Saturday instead of supposedly to had 4 days off on the last 4 days of the July 4, 2014 week.

I spent that week sittin on a r r Donnelly in Warsaw Indiana load that couldn't get unloaded at the Charlotte mail distribution center because they didn't give more the papers that the postal service needed and it was that Saturday when finally unloaded me after I been sittin there since Tuesday of that same week when supposed to got unloaded.

They do lie and of try get drivers to illegally break logbook from way they schedule things really tight. I also got stuck plenty of times driving with no hours just to find somewhere to park.

They do of fix your logbook for u from the home office so make u look legal If they like u and willing to drive the way they want u too. But in reality some companies don't give a crap about their drivers.

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