looking for a little more info

by Jennifer (trucker's wife)

Your article was very informative. My husband is an independent contractor and is trying to figure out what his next step should be.

He would like to buy a second semi truck but doesn't know his options are on his first semi.

Are there companies out there willing to hire his truck if he can find a dependable driver? From what I've been running across is most companies would only hire the driver if they own the truck.

Where would I find more info? Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

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Feb 28, 2013
yes they will NEW
by: Joey

check a company call Panther expedited,out of Ohio they have their own trailers so all you need is your truck and insurance. you'll be running under their DOT #. they'll do the backround check on who ever driver you want to drive your truck, some times they'll even get one for you. Hope this can help :)

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