looking for advice on being the companion of a trucker

by Vicki
(Plympton-Wyoming, Ontario)

My boyfriend of 5 months finally got the trucking job he kept talking about. The only issue is I was prepared for it to happen so soon... I've been pushing him to get this job because that's all he talked about so I'm very supportive of him being a trucker but I need to know if it will get easier and if anyone has an idea or two on how to occupy myself outside of work and school...

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Aug 13, 2012
be a good friend NEW
by: alaskanwomantrucker@yahoo.com

The best thing you can do is either get your license and drive too or just be there in the other seat..........myself I would rather have a increase in income.

Aug 08, 2012
Within the community NEW
by: Helonwheels

Community Volunteer Services

Local Library reading to children or teaching older people to read.

Soup Kitchens

Missions/homeless shelters

join a crafting group

cooking classes

event planner/coordinator

support groups


Even just 7 hours a week will help with any boredom you might begin to feel once he goes on the road. One thing "not" to do is spend to much time in the house or waiting for phone calls from him, which will be in the hundreds at first and then dwindle down after awhile. It will drive you bonkers!! They really don't need to be on the phone or texting that much to begin with, that is dangerous especially while driving!!!! :(

Good luck and God Bless!! :)

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