Looking for dedicated or local Sweetwater Texas trucking job

by ann
(sweetwater texas)

My husband was a truck driver for schneider since oct of last year. He had one "preventable" incident in november because the customer told him to park his trailer in a parking lot that was down a hill and when he drove down there was very little room to turn around and he cracked a bat wing.

The second incident the GPS took him down a road that was way too narrow in virginia and instead of continuing he stopped but could not turn around and had to call the company.

The third happened because as he was making a left hand turn a motorist cut him off and he ended up having to stop in the middle of the road. He was trying to back up to get out of the middle of the road and bumped a car in back of him.

The last was a high hook and they fired him but now have black balled him so they tell everyone that calls he is a safety risk even though these incidents happened far apart.

The first two of which happened as a new driver. Is there any companies in Texas that have local or dedicated that will hire him?

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Sep 06, 2019
Safety Risk
by: Cheryl

Unfortunately, the news is not good. If he was terminated for safety reasons, these are the quidelines that companies follow with these types of cases: 1.No safety related terminations 2. Must have worked for another company for 1 year 3. Some companies will review his statement and the incident before consideration These are from several companies. Although he will need to research any company on their policies, it's going to be tough especially since he had 3. So, unless he had coverage through one of the protection policies that you pay for monthly that have attorney's to help him fight the incidents. Don't get me wrong, there are companies that will hire him with those types of issues, but those companies are either hard to find or they don't pay much or you have to chase them down for your pay. Wish I had better news. Good Luck

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