Looking for help from my Trucking Brothers and Sisters

by J.B.
(Paducah, KY)



I saw your interview with a driver that was saying that bread dough pays good can someone please direct me in the right path or direct me to the ice cream company that hauls from ATL to California then back. I would really appreciate the insite. If anyone can direct me in the right path you can email me at j.buchanan38@yahoo.com. Keep truckin and be safe.

Yours Truly,

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Jan 23, 2010
Westbound ice cream loads?
by: Jimmy

Kennesaw Freight out of Atlanta does Ca./Ga. turns. Not sure if they do ice cream. They do produce out of Ca.

Ice cream is pretty much regional, since there are places all over the country that make it. Ne need to haul it cross country, but, Mc Donalds buys eggs from Mn., OJ from Fl. and sweets from Ca. Lots of egg farms in Ca., oranges in Ca. and sweets in Ga.

I use to haul for M&M Mars between N.J./Il./Tx. Whatever we hauled from one plant, we turned around and hauled the same thing back to the original plant.

Never could figure that one out. Jimmy

Jan 23, 2010
Ice cream
by: Anonymous

Nestle has an icecream plant in Bakersfield, CA and Hagen Daas is in Tulare, CA. In fact Tulare county has several Ice cream plants as Dairy is the counties number one product. It's all got to go somewhere so I would check out the freight in that area.

Jan 23, 2010
hauling icream from ATL to Cali
by: Hervy

Hello curiosity,
I wish I could help you with that but I have no idea what trucking company it is that hauls i cream to California.


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