Looking for ideas to make the truck a home away from home.

by Kim
(Ft Worth, Texas)

My girlfriend just started driving again and I know it is hard for her to be away from her family for long periods of time. I have done my best to make the truck a home for her and give her all the comforts she would have except us. I really want to get dish or direct tv.

Any ideas on how to hook up the dish? Also, any other ideas of things to get for her truck would be great. She has a full kitchen and Egyptian cotton sheets and a down comforter so I think that is good.

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May 11, 2010
by: NickV

Well I have seen alot of trucks since I have started, mostly due to my company switching us in and out of trucks every dang month so I have seen a couple cool things that people leave behind. Last couple put and actual closet bar to hang clothes from going from the top of the cubbies. Looked really simple to do and gives a little extra room. Also if your cubbies dont have shelves you can cut some out of wood. Maybe some bathroom rugs to throw on the floor, keeps down on dust and dirt. As far as the dish thing goes, you may want to reconsider. I personally cant say much about dish or whatnot but if your gonna spend the money I would look more into a good internet provider and laptop. Alot of the shows you would watch on tv you can find on the internet at one website or another AND ALSO most laptops now days have a built in webcam so you can have the best of both worlds. She can watch tv and maybe every night before bed yall can hit up the webcam together and things will be a little easier. Also if she doestn have a fridge it is a MUST. I just got one and have been out for about 2 weeks now and it has saved me so much money its not even funny. Plus it gives you the freedom of choosing the food you want and you know exactly what your eating. Saving the money dont hurt either. If she has an inverter also the options are endless. Really, if you ask me, the best thing that reminds me of home is my wifes cooking so if its possible to make something in the truck that reminds you of that its always nice. If she has an inverter you can run a microwave, toaster, little oven, the options are endless. XM radio is maybe something else you may want to look into. Hope this helps and if I can think of any more I will get back to ya. All these things are a little pricey but once bought it makes a world of difference and life on the road and away from home just a little more easier.

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