looking for school/company with loans or grants or will pay for my school!!!! HELP PLEASE

by justin allen
(owensboro ky)

21Years old and have been a felon since before i graduated high school "sad i kno" but everyone makes mistakes just "LEARN FROM THEM".

BEEN INTERESTED IN DRIVING EVERY SINCE I WAS YOUNG AND DAD HAD HIS OWN TRUCK. 2 time convicted felon, receiving stolen property over 500 for scratch off lottery tickets and a 3rd degree NON violent burglary but honestly it wasn't a burglary.

I was just young and didn't know what i was doing and ended up taking 6years for what could have been a misdemeanor charge...

Interested in driving school but need one who will take felons and has some kinda grant or loan bc i can't afford to pay out of pocket.

Would love to find a company to train me and just have me sign a year contract... and suggestions feel free to email /justinpaul.ja@gmail.com or call or txt at (270)315-1792

Would appreciate it A LOT. good luck to all you men and women trying to succeed as like i am..

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Sep 26, 2016
Local Workforce/Employment Center Pays for trick driving school
by: Anonymous

Since you are a felon. You can get your schooling paid for through workforce rehabilitation for felons. Contact your state's unemployment office and ask where the closest workforce development center is to you.

Go in and ask them at the desk do they provide funding for felons work training. Make sure your truck driving school is through your local community college only!

Click the link for my youtube video telling how to get Free CDL training.

Hope this helps!

Jul 06, 2014
by: Anonymous

You could always watch a video on how to do the pre- trip and start getting ready to take some test at the dmv so you can get your CDL Permit.

If you have no training with a 18 wheeler and can not afford to go to any school why not try to get a class b its easier to drive companies like Pepsi have automatic truck that are short and easy. Without proper training you can really hurt people on the road.

Another thing to try is to go to the unemployment office and ask about WIA funds.

Personally if I was you age and had a bad record and had no money for school I would be in Job Corps and wouldnt worry so much about driving if you cant get no one to hire you. thats just me though.

Jul 06, 2014
Watch video on how to do the pre-trip
by: Anonymous

You could always watch a video on how to do the pre- trip and start getting ready to take some test at the dmv so you can get your CDL Permit.

If you have no training with a 18 wheeler and can not afford to go to any school why not try to get a class b its easier to drive companies like Pepsi have automatic truck that are short and easy. Without proper training you can really hurt people on the road.

Another thing to try is to go to the unemployment office and ask about WIA funds.

Personally if I was you age and had a bad record and had no money for school I would be in Job Corps and wouldnt worry so much about driving if you cant get no one to hire you. thats just me though.

Nov 07, 2013
by: justin allen

So i have called school after school and was informed early this morning there are no grants loans pell grant or any goverment assistance available because the goverment shut down so any cdl school or whatever has to be payed out of pocket. i need a company that will sponser me with my felonys only being 3years old

Nov 07, 2013
Local community college in California for Vocational Trainin
by: Anonymous

check your local community college....in california we have community college that offers vocational training in trucking, aircraft, horticulture, floral design, etc..

you can receive federal grants that you do not have to pay back...you can obtain a training and written testing what you need for your cdl through the college.

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