Looking to get recent experience!

by Kevin J
(Nottingham, Md)

I am looking to get back on the road locally after 6 years. I started out with School and driven for Werner in 2008. Lost absolutely everything because of the low pay. I came back home to a steady non CDL job. Back on my feet but hitting a brick wall.

I am in a good hiring area, it seems but i have been shot down for just the experience card and its frustrating to hear that i may have to spend so much for a refresher course. I have Trips/Doubles, Tanker and even passenger endorsements. No points. Great job history. Drug/alcohol free.

The experience card is the anvil that holds me down. Would appreciate any help getting connected with a company that would give an excellent, issue free driver and good man and father an opportunity.

Thanks for what you do.

Kevin J

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