Loss of license and drugs

by Carolyn

My nephew, age 40, is in prison for drug related charges and has lost his driver's license. When he gets out in 4 years he says he wants to be a truck driver and has asked me to check it out for him.

Does he have any hope of becoming a truck driver after 9 years in prison and losing his license?

I don't want to discourage him but would like to give him the facts. Thanks for your info.

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Sep 26, 2016
It will take a long time to be eligible for trucking
by: Hervy

Sorry to inform you but he definitely won't be able to jump right in after that. That it two strikes, drugs and loss of license. An insurance nightmare.

What he does want to do is study all he can on personal development and entrepreneurship. If he has an opportunity to any training, even if that is working for pennies, that helps with image.

Not to mention it might give him ideas for starting a business or at least making money legally without a job.

I am sure there will be some good programs by then but still, would be good if he takes full charge of his direction regardless of what others offer.

I suggest he start writing a about his experience from getting in trouble to what he has learned from it, how he plans to turn it around and then what his goals are. That is therapeutic and could earn him money later.

I know you didn't ask all of that, but that is the advice that I always give people in his situation.

He has to make the most of his time NOW. He can't wait until he gets out and then start knocking on doors. Good for you and him to be checking this out now. Apply that same protectiveness to some of the things I mentioned.

Trucking likely won't be an option until he is out for at least 5 - years.

And some people get frustrated about that but it is real simple, look at it from the businesses standpoint in the context of this litigious society and all of the stuff that is going on. Add on the fact that they do not know him at all.

For companies,their advisors and investors, it would be a poor business decision. Nothing personal about it. That's why I say, he needs to make sure he is working on things that he can do to offset that the charges and prison stint. Studying personal development will help him figure that out at a foundational level on many fronts.

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