Lost Truckers daughter then truckers wife needing help

My dad was a trucker, BOTH his parents drove as did my mom and my uncles knew how before the dot got so strict back in the day. I am fully aware of how a truckers life goes and made arrangements in life accordingly.

My husband and i have been together ten years during which he drove a truck 90% of the time.

This marriage has not been easy by no means during that time. At one point i was working, going to school and raising four kids while he was away.

That was not easy due to his first wife died right before met.

12/12/11 I had to have a hysterectomy and had to take time off from work and school to do so. On Christmas Day husband asked for a divorce.

It was not until after we signed separation papers that i found out in early February that he had been talking to anything woman since November in another state and he had been seeing her since December including talking to her while i was in surgery and on Christmas.

I am heartbroken destroyed. That's suppose to be over but how do i trust him again? I find myself questioning everything i once accepted even though we are suppose to be working on things.

My friends and family are worried about me due to the stress we are under right now. I'm about 3 semesters short of my masters degree but i want to just give everything up to stay on the truck with him right now, and i don't know what to do.

He is fixin to start a new company being gone fir 3 weeks in fir one and that is gonna stress me to death. I feel lost and husband jumps between he's an adulterer and going to hell to he did nothing wrong because i pushed him away with lack of affection and he thought our marriage was over.

I am so depressed and don't know who i am anymore:(

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Apr 15, 2012
school for sure NEW
by: Cynthia Harris

I say finish school for sure! you are way to close to throw it all in . especially when that trust with your husband has been destroyed. If hes a man like he says he is he would insists on school. I know my husband insisted on school but me leaving it wasnt ultimately up to me. they were a brick wall. i hope one of these days i go back. but i felt that, like you, i lost my self in everything everyone wanted me to do. be true to yourself. trust your heart. but most of all trust God. That has been the hardest thing for me to do for the last year. God bless and take care of yourself for a change. I was 18 hours away from my bachelors and i do regret it but i am not going back till i know what i want to do. I ultimately gave up school to provide for my household. when i left work, the damage had already been done and school became a lost cause. i wish things had not turned out like it did. i would have graduated this May. but life happened.

Apr 12, 2012
don't stay NEW
by: Anonymous

Listen, you continue on with your education. Later on down the road you'll be glad that you did. Your heart is broken, and I can feel your pain through your words. Be honest with yourself, as you know deep down in your heart, you'll never be able to trust him again, and guess what, he will do it again, given the opportunity. He's already proved what he's made of. That guys ---- must be made of gold, because it makes no sense why you would want to waist anymore of your time, being tied down to a man that's betrayed you in the ways that he has. After what he's done to you, all you have is a marriage certificate, a real husband would never do that. He's taken enough out of you, hold on to your education! When you get over the pain, you'll love again. Remember the first time some guy broke your heart? You got over it didn't you, you moved on didn't you? You can do it again! You can!

Apr 12, 2012
truckers wife NEW
by: Anonymous

Get out of this marriage before you commit any more time to it. Finish your masters and you will find a good job and be able to make ends meet without him. If he cheated once he'll do it again. I know this from experience as a truckers wife and now truckers girlfriend. I was married for 30 years when my hubby said he was leaving via email. He had a girlfriend in Florida that he had been ommunicating with for three years when he swore there was no on else in his life. The Christmas day wanting a divorce was a rotten thing to do. Get out now while you still have some sanity left and head for thenearest therapist. Get your head together and start a new life. I know you can do it as I just did it. Good luck with whatever you chose to do.

Apr 12, 2012
truckers wife NEW
by: Anonymous

Get out of this marriage before you commit any more time to it. Finish your masters and you will find a good job and be able to make ends meet without him. If he cheated once he'll do it again. I know this from experience as a truckers wife and now truckers girlfriend. I was married for 30 years when my hubby said he was leaving via email. He had a girlfriend in Florida that he had been ommunicating with for three years when he swore there was no on else in his life. The Christmas day wanting a divorce was a rotten thing to do. Get out now while you still have some sanity left and head for thenearest therapist. Get your head together and start a new life. I know you can do it as I just did it. Good luck with whatever you chose to do.

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