Louisiana Trucker Abandoned Wife and dog "Roscoe" during Route

by Wendy
(Overpass 71 )

Not Sheltered!

Not Sheltered!

Is this a crime? I have helped my husband with loads and deliveries for years. Unannounced to me my husband told the employees and staff he was finished with our marriage before we left with the load.

We got 1400 miles from home and he left me at a truck stop. I called his company and they weren't willing to help. Is there anybody out there to give me advice. Stranded, abandoned and soon to divorced if I can ever get home.

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Feb 25, 2020
That’s dirty! NEW
by: Anonymous

I think your best option would be to find an attorney or lawyer and they would know better than most anyone. There’s always two sides of a story, but I have to say that’s just dirty of someone to do. Sorry you’re in that situation. Are you still stranded?

Nov 21, 2016
by: Anonymous

Is this a crime? or am I just a fool

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