Love my man but still cry at night

by Lonely Girl
(Small town usa )

My husband is the bomb he works to give me what I want and need of course I am a blue jean work myself kinda girl. I always wanted a small home, with a small yard the dog and cat and a little girl to call my own.

We have all of that and I should be over the moon and to him I am I don't let him see me walk the floors cry and go though the motions of a happy wife. We have been married for almost 13 years and he is my best friend and when he comes home its great. When we are on the phone its okay but all the hours we are not together is heart breaking seeing my friends take their husbands for granted treating them like crap and not caring they have them at night in there bed.

I would gladly share my bed with a farty snoring husband just to sleep well and feel safe at night but to tell him these things would only hurt him and so I smile and continue to go though the motions waiting patiently for him to return home because what kind of wife friend lover would I be if I did anything else

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Sep 09, 2014
Try to look on the bright side... NEW
by: Anonymous

I know it's hard, but it could be worse. Me and my boyfriend got back together 6 months ago after he had been gone for our 8 year old son's entire life. He refuses to tell me anything he does while OTR and he leaves me and our son at home with no money for anything and says he'll be back whenever he's back. Almost every week he tells me and our son he probably won't come back. He is a jerk.

I stay because he moved us out of our apartment and IS paying the rent. I guess he thinks that's all it takes to raise a child. I am unable to work due to possibly needing surgery for a torn rotator cuff, I'm in pain all the time, I'm a brain surgery survivor, and he yells, "go get a job if u need money I don't have any". He train people to drive OTR and I am furious that he doesn't want to help after the 8 years I did his part.

I want to call child support, but I'm not sure because since he pays rent they might say that's enough. I think our son deserves half of what he's making and he deserves to not have his heart broken by his own father.

So in other have it great. Look on the bright side, it could be worse. You could be in my situation and be stuck and hopeless. I love him and yet whenever he comes home he just sleeps on the couch and doesn't say one word to me for the entire time he's home. As a matter of fact he just left this morning after being home since Saturday and didn't speak to me once. And he's big even trying to be a good dad to our son. I think if he will not give our so the time he deserves to get to know his own dad that he should definitely have to help out financially? Any suggestions?

Sep 06, 2014
Totally understand NEW
by: Anonymous

I totally understand your pain!!! I've been married to my husband 14 years and I still cry everytime he leaves. We have 4 beautiful children but I feel soooo lonely. Hardest part is sleeping alone every night waiting for the days to pass till he comes home again. It's been the most difficult adjustment in my life, cause I had been used to having him at home every night... Those wives that have their husbands at home every night next to them and complain don't realize how much they take for granted having that one person you love not there when u need him the most. I love my husband to death and I appreciate his sacrifice that he does for our family.. I know he wants the best for us as I'm sure your husband does for you as well.. I'm glad we have this site to vent our thoughts...

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