LTL Trucking Jobs

LTL stands for less than truckload. Ltl trucking jobs often have multiple stops for unloading.  It most often is inside city limits or near a metro area.

Often the LTL trucking jobs start early in the morning and you might finish when stops are done or when the last business closes for the day.

As you might guess LTL jobs can be more busy type work.  Jumping in and out the truck and maybe even using a pallet jack to get off your stops.  Different LTL trucking companies or division operate differently.

LTL Drivers get paid pretty well but the pay can vary greatly because the way a LTL carrier operates and compensates vary. Some pay by the mile and by the stop.  The local trucking jobs might pay most by the hour and sometimes the stops.

There are also some regional LTL jobs.

There is a lot of specialization within the LTL freight trucking arena. For instance lift gate service or residential service.

A lot of your local trucking jobs will be LTL trucking jobs too.

LTL Freight Jobs

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Did you go to a school to get training or did you learn on the job? Is there a school that provides the training for this type of job?

What extra responsibilities did you have pulling this type of freight?

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LTL- What its is Not rated yet
LTL does stand for Less Than Truck Load. Most LTL companies have multiple terminals in multiple states. Local P&D drivers(Pick Up & Del) usually punch …

LTL Trucking for new cdl grads. Not rated yet
FFE (Frozen Food Express) has an LTL division. If you live in Texas, Mississippi, Illinois, they will pay for cdl school then give you an LTL job. …

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