Make it work after affair and a baby.

by G.and s.
(N cal.)

My husband had afir and a baby with other women. We have 2 children and will be married 31 years. How to trust ,make our marriage strong and how to celebrate our anniversary that is coming this Sunday.

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Nov 24, 2017
Kick him to the curve!!
by: Anonymous

If mine did what yours did, no way would I want to be married! Your husband disrespected you big time by having a baby with another woman or you state women, meaning he had an affair with more than one woman!

Don't be foolish because if you celebrate your anniversary with him, you are only showing him that you accept what he is doing. If I was going thru with the same thing as you are, well instead of celebrating an anniversary, mine would be getting served with divorce papers.

I have a friend who is from Ireland who came to the USA after finding out her boyfriend cheated on her but as far as she knows, no pregnancy to these women. I showed my friend your post and she said "oh no but hell no"! She said if her boyfriend was her husband instead and if he made some woman or women pregnant, well her husband would pay a price big time.

I do not know how you expect your marriage to work knowing damn well that he put his damn dipstick in some woman or women's oil well and produced a child.

Good luck to you, I feel sorry for you and I hope you wake up and smell the coffee and get that divorce and get a decent, respectful man that is going to respect you and not betray you!!

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