Making Extra Money

Making extra money as a trucker off duty or trucker wife back at home is not as hard as you think.  This page will help you see the opportunities for earning extra income that surround you every day.

10 Ideas For Earning Extra Income

Note:  Some of the links below are affiliate links for which I might earn a commission.  You are see in real time one of the ways to promote a product, link, etc.  Add your questions or comments below.


Go to Shopify and build your store

What is Needed to Make Money

  • Extra time to work your project
  • Ability to see the needs of others
  • A desire to help others and solve problems

Basically, that would mean seeing the needs of other people. These needs could be in your church, at your job, in your community or in society in general.

Any and every where there are people in need of something to make their lives better there is opportunity.

Now this may sound a little backwards to most folks since you came here to look out for you and maybe your own family's needs. Here me out though. Looking out for other people doesn't put money in your pocket or address your immediate needs right away. However, it does result in opportunity that you don't even have to search for.

When we get so focused on our own needs we tend to tune the world out. This makes us feel like we are on an island of despair in a sea of frustration and hopelessness. If everyone is tuned out and looking at him or herself as a person struggling against the sea, where would anyone get any help?

What island would be worth clinging to without others around to provide some type of support? Every survivor on their own island would be miserable.

On the other hand, imagine having eyes wide open, even while suffering (or not) recognizing that others are also going through these seasons and dedicating some times and effort to help them with their issues. Not that you hunt and search for the stranded, just don't get buried in the sand on your island. Walk around the beach, look out across the seas, spend times admiring the birds, keep your head high and never lose hope.

Reflect on the lessons that you have learned in life. The information that you have absorbed, the gifts, the talents, the experiences and the skills that you have. These things about you are very important. For you it's your life, for someone else that you will come across it's a blessing.

With an open mind, open heart and open eyes you are also open to opportunity.

You may see an individual or a group of people that you can actually help out. Maybe with a service, information, product, etc. This may open other doors for you in the process, expose you to other opportunities, or it may be an opportunity in itself. The network of people you know will be your best bet for opportunities to make money, save money and navigate hard times.

You can apply this mindset to make money online or you can start your own business at home in what ever skill or talent that you posses if you can see how it would fulfill a need. There are countless ways to make money with the right entrepreneurial mindset and a little creativity. Just to give you some ideas and to see that there are other truckers

making extra money while driving a truckyou will see their money making ventures and opportunities posted below. If you are

making money at home or online or if you started your own business

on the side post it at the bottom of this page.

Why Am I talking About Making Extra Money?

I felt this was a very important topic because a common problem that I see is couples who are dealing with money issues. The long distance relationship and loneliness of a trucking lifestyle is hard enough without having to deal with money problems. Especially since money is one of the main factors in divorces. It's obvious that drivers or their wives or both should be actively

seeking ways to earn an extra income.

Also, another problem that I see is drivers who are ready to stop driving for one reason or another but can't because of financial obligations. The problem is he/she has no other options but trucking. The trucker can be sick and dying or health getting worse by the day but he can't stop driving because the bill won't stop. Or something happens at home that he needs to take time off for and he can't or he won't have enough to pay the bills. This is no way to live.

I want to see these scenarios disappear as soon as possible.

They won't on their own. Of course no one else can solve them for you either. However, hopefully I can enlighten you, provide some insight or tips, and motivate you to get in gear about create an alternate revenue stream. The spouse can either make money working at home or the driver may be able to make money online in the truck. It all depends on you.

What Do You Know How To Do

  • Share your knowledge
  • Share you skills
  • Share your insights and experiences to teach

With a website, course, videos, books, you can turn that information into a paycheck!  There are courses and training available to teach you how.

Truckers telling how they are making extra money online or wives working from home

Here is your opportunity to tell us about how you make extra money online. Of course if your wife/girlfriend or significant other is working from home making money we want to hear about that also. The objective is to give other truckers and trucker wives ideas of how to earn an extra income in addition to trucking. Maybe you will spark some creativity or show them something they are interesting in doing. Or maybe you will get a new customer or sign up!

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Work At Home United 
I absolutely love what I do, and the company that allows me to work from home. Our team is called Work At Home United, and we are partnered with an international …

Health and Wellness Trucker Biz Not rated yet Hello to all my fellow truck drivers, I'm very excited to share this valuable information with you. I've …

making money from home Not rated yet
I just love this site :) I'm so glad I found it! My name is Shannon, and I've loved sharing and commenting with other trucker wives on here. One of …

Tobyhanna,Pa. Online Store For Drivers; Not rated yet is a family owned company that has the driver in mind. The co-owner was a driver for over 14 years until an accident ended his career. Their …

I phone app that helps people make extra money or get work done Not rated yet
If you need a way to make some extra money, there's an app for that. This is a great idea kind of like an app for Craigslist type stuff. It's an app …

Need Stay at home moms and trucker wives for distributors now. Make or save money. Not rated yet
this is a business that enables you to help others and make money at the same time! This is a company that has been giving out free discount cards …

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Making extra money

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It's a new day in a new world. Things are different than in our parent's day. Don't get caught up trying to live or plan your life based on their reality. The mindset then was to get an some education but more importantly find a good job. Work hard and ethical so you would move up in position or at least in pay. (That was when companies cared)Work there 30 years or so. Save your money and live within your means. (Ha, ha, ha where did that go?) Then you retire, relax and enjoy life.(That was when there was no doubt about social security) Although they never really stopped working. Just did something different. So they would have a nice nest egg plus a check coming in and life was grand.

If you know like I know, that concept is history. (However we can fully control and bring back the saving and living within our means part) {note to myself}

I wouldn't count on any of that going forward. The entire dynamics of the world has changed. There are no guarantees for any of this. Too many employers don't care. Workers don't care. That a great combination for a stable company. The future in jobs is foggy, insurance and health benefits is foggy, the future of social security is foggy, and if you have an emergency, with so much going on where you will turn for help is probably a mystery too.

It's not smart or safe to put the majority of your future and financial stability in an employer or any government program alone. You must find a way to supplement and hopefully grow an independent source of income. You should be in the process of gaining financial stability so you can enjoy your later years in life. Let the employer and government programs and benefits be a bonus if they are even still available by then.

The reality is, you have experience and knowledge that someone (in our fast paced rush, rush, rush society) would love to absorb without taking the time required to get normally. (and if you don't, by paying attention to trends, you can identify an area that you need to be trained in and then turn around and use that newly acquired skill) to teach others or fill a void in your community or society.

Now what skills, what knowledge, what training do you have which you can use to provide a service or value to someone else. You have to think outside of the box and use your creativity. Realize the value and self worth you truly have. What you know how to do is worth money to someone.

You may even have a hobby that produces a product or provides a service that people need or just find fun. Exploit your creativity. Sell it on E-Bay!

Written in 2010

Everybody right now is running from houses and acting like the world is going to stop turning tomorrow meaning that prices will stay where they are. That makes it a perfect time to buy a house while prices are super low. Often doing the opposite of what others do in investing gets you a better deal and you end up with a nice profit. What happens if you buy a fairly new house now and keep it for 15 years?

Never follow the masses, think for yourself with the big picture in mind, identify the needs of people while others think of themselves and you can find a way to make money.

Don't underestimate what it is you can do to make money working at home in your neighborhood. And keep in mind that with the internet, what you do in your neighborhood doesn't have to stay in your neighborhood. If you make products or designs sell them online.

Look around, what do businesses need? What do the people there need? What will help the businesses to do more, what will help the people survive. How can you address those needs with what you know how to do. Now with the internet, letting people know about what you can do is too easy. Start a blog, website or even news letter.

Printing is cheap and affordable. Make flyers about your new venture or services and take them with you when your out and about.

Maybe you (or your wife sitting at home) can teach a computer software program, or teach bowling techniques, or how to build a blog, how teach businesses how to use Facebook, etc.

Maybe you have 3 or 4 kids who are well mannered and disciplined, do you know how many young parents needs your advice, insight. Start a small group offering parenting classes. Do you no (might need to called it something different, appealing and inviting) for young new parents and on the flyer tell how what you offer will benefit their kids.

Making Money Online

Another way to make money at home is to work online. There are many ways to start setting up an online business. I started a website at home to help the business people I know network and create a circle of businesses that can support each other and also customers to use those businesses. Also, I am printing flyers with 4 to 8 of the businesses advertised at a time. Right now I am not charging, (you could) when the economy picks up or if the demand is there I will charge. It an obvious benefit to them. 5,000 flyers with their business printed distributed by others. They have no time and effort other than host the flyers and each business is promoting the other. Plus a team goes out and passes out the flyers. This is a great value to the businesses that I value and want to see survive. Later I will also do it for businesses that want to pay for the same opportunity. It's about creativity. And helping people with their own needs.

This cuts down on their business advertising expenses plus customers know they can expect to get a fair value from these businesses because if the have unresolved complaints I will take them off of the flyers and off the website.

Notice how everyone wins. Also on that website I advertise my video editing. Right now I don't have time to actually do it so I let other video editors take advantage of the job. When I get off the road I will do the editing. Notice other people are promoting the site and also my soon to be editing services. I won't have to spend money advertising either because the other businesses that I helped with a web presence will be advertising the website and people will then see my offerings.

Notice how I how I could have focused solely on myself and built a website about my video editing only. That would have put the spotlight on me for sure. But, I also would have been the only one promoting it. Also, tell me this, who wants video services if everybody is broke.

Because my focus was on uplifting the entire network of people it automatically promotes my business in the process. And hopefully I will save businesses money, increase their traffic, save the community money by introducing them to value based services, and maybe we all end up with just a few more dollars in our pockets. And maybe they will spend their on video and editing!

This is how your thinking should work in order to decide how to apply what skills you have in your community. Honestly, any of you could actually do that same type of site concept for your community and the business that you either know or can get to know. The longer you build and organize the more valuable your endeavors become (website, printing, classes, etc) to the network as they realize the positive results.

See people get in their minds that there is a limited amount of money and prosperity available in the world and the truth is there is an unlimited amount of money to be made. In fact there is unlimited happiness and everything else. Our problem too often is that we limit OURSELVES. Our thinking and creativity is what is limited. Making extra money is as easy as 1,2,3.

1. Reflect on your own skills, experience and knowledge. If needed build up those to make them marketable.

2. See the needs of others. Feel their pain. To do this you will have to get outside of yourself. The me attitude of today's culture will not cut it.

3. Figure out how to apply what you know in a way to address the needs of others. Your neighbor, the community, group, society, culture, etc

Note: What is NOT easy or common is getting rich quick over night, it won't happen so don't expect to find a magic trick.

None of this can be done by waiting on someone else to save us. It takes a lot of discipline, drive, effort, ambition and even sacrifice. But isn't what your trying to achieve worth it? We all can figure out a path to a better life, we just need to put in the time and effort and execute.

By the time hubby is ready to come out of the truck you have a network to launch a new business, help other people you know,or you can really develop the site itself into the next Google or Facebook (exaggerating but you see my point). Of course another way to build a website would be just like this one completely about a subject and share your knowledge about it in a way to help others. That could be a great way to spend free time for both driver and spouse and it gives you something in common to focus on (something like another child) while your apart which keeps a high level of communication and connectivity.

One thing for sure it can take up free time so that your never bored! lol.

Now if your saying you don't know how to build a website, that really is not problem. You can learn to build a website if you use the software that I used to build this one. It's an all in one inclusive tool that walks you every step of the way. Here is some more insight.

Work at home

Although there is a complete money back guarantee and you see how I have used it to build my website, SBI will not be for everyone. It does take a little time and dedication to go through the steps.

Another way to build internet presence which might be easier for some and less expensive too is to start a blog. One of the easiest ways to start a blog is at to use wordpress. You will be up and running in no time and you don't have to spend a dime to get started. The only downside is they don't actually give you step by step course of action like SBI does. But they do have plenty of tools for you to figure out which is not hard.

You don't even have to know how to put Google adsense code on the page, it's automated with the click of a button. Just in case you don't know, adsense code is how the blog or webiste can make money and this is what adsense looks like. At blogger you simply sign up at Google, blog (write)about a subject you like, make it as interesting as possible then sign up for Google adsense and turn on the monetization module (you see it once your their and spend some time blogging. Oh, and of course you can just write about your life adventures.

The main thing is to not let any of this stuff intimidate you. You can't break anything. But you can't learn it and make anything out of it if you never begin using it.

This is an amazing time for people to make money online because there are so many who have not yet started spending time online productively.

Most people just chat and socialize but more and more companies will either do business online or at least advertise and market their business online which means if you are firmly planted and building a website or blog about something interesting, you'll provide value to your visitors. Companies will want to be a part of your creation and you will have the opportunity to make extra money.

You don't want to chase money though, or you won't put in the time and effort. If you create a website or blog it needs to be something that you are passionate about or can get passionate about so that you are enthusiastic and you enjoy the time and effort working on it.

Other Ways to Make Mony Online

Another popular and inexpensive way to make some money online is to become an affiliate marketer.

Affiliate Marketing

Some affiliate marketers just love marketing many different products to different groups. The love the variety, thrill, and challenge. Some people would rather find one great product or service to market and stick with it to master how to do it effectively. So there again you can't just look at what a person says and follow their lead. You have to decide what type of person you are. Which way would you like to apply your time.

If you really like the idea of a ready made easy cut dry system to simply market and tell people about to get them excited about and sign up, this is something to check out. Easy for Beginners

The video, and concept and solid reputation of the company will make it easy for people to become interested. You just have to get them to visit the site they will give you when you sign up. check it out if you didn't already.

Beginner Program

There are hundreds of thousands of ways to make money online. If you spend too much time looking around your will never spend enough time learning the system and using it enough to start making money.

Be careful about spreading yourself too thin over many different programs.

Make Money Online

More and more people are finding

ways to make money online.

However we are still in beginning stages of using the internet to make money online.

Getting involved now puts you in front of the online gold rush. Beat the crowd at carving out your path to financial freedom.

Start A Business

But making money online may not be for you. Have no fear, there are plenty of ways that you can make money working from home without being online. Use your talents, skills, and experience in other creative ways. See how you can help other people in your community live better. See how you can address their needs.

Maybe you have a product or service to help them out. Use your entrepreneurial spirit to

start a small business

Need advice with your idea? Visit your local S.C.O.R.E. office for help.